
I’ll just leave this here:

Condones cannibalism. When you think about it, Samer is a lot like the Magnar of Thenn.

So meta.

I actually have degrees from both schools. As much as I love Penn State, I don't think we're in any position to be calling anyone else assholes for at least another decade or so.

Sure - we prefer to be obstinate assholes about our name instead of obstinate assholes about institutionalized child molestation scandals. Gotta pick something.

No I understand that they weren't subpoenaed, and I get being upset that there's this loophole that circumvents what is normally a pretty vigorous judicial vetting process for discovering mental health records. I guess my problem is with the headline: "Oregon: We Have the Right to Access a Rape Victim's Medical

But they'd still be possibly discoverable. This sentence in the Chronicle article sort of misses the point: "Medical privacy typically can be breached in a lawsuit setting only when a patient sues a health-care provider for malpractice." It's true that suing your doctor for med mal. gives them a waiver to release

"She isn't suing for damages. She's suing under Title IX."

So your reasoning as to why these students don't deserve praise for raising $13m for cancer research are still dying of cancer.

"I don't think he is generalizing. He is saying that THON is used as a vessel for a certain type of person."

Double bogey I think you're OK (fuck, I should hope so). I mean double par i.e. you're shooting 10 on every par 5, 8 on every par 4, etc.

If you're particularly bad at golf, or just having a particularly bad day, I think you need to know when to just pick it up. If you've taken three whacks and are still in the sand trap while everyone is waiting to putt, pick it up. If you've topped the ball with your fairway wood 6 times in a row on a par 5 and aren't

Hernandez: I've been through this death thing before. It gets better with time.

Aggravated rape in Tennessee is a Class A Felony - 15 to 60 years in prison. That's just a range so I don't know what actual sentence might end up being, but for multiple counts of aggravated rape I'd guess it will be a (deserved) doozy.

That's about the answer I expected.

Just answer the question - what percentage of folks on this comment board or any of a hundred others do anything more than write a couple of hackneyed sentences about "the real victims" or some other such over-simplistic dreck, mentally assure themselves that they've "showed those Penn State cultists", and continue to

Who ever said that? They're not prevented from doing anything, they just don't. What percentage of self-righteous dicks in love with nothing more than the sound of their own voice, up to and including their god-emperor Keith Olbermann, do you think actually do anything remotely connected to addressing the problem of

Definitely. This is just like what Hitler did. Cutting insight.

Whereas your concern, along with a million other sanctimonious blowhards, is to continue demonstrating in internet comment boards how utterly enraged you are at the injustice of this situation while continuing to not give a flying fuck at the moon about doing anything related to preventing child sexual abuse outside