
I guess that makes sense - my natural bias is to think of PTs who use kinesiotape like MD's who suggest a detox cleanse. But if it's just a more effective means of elastic taping and s/he's not making claims about it increasing lympathic flow, I get that.

Tape, sure. I just doubt the benefits of overpriced kinseiology tape in this setting - were you referring to just taping joints (which I think is fine) or kinesiotaping them?

"My physical therapist wanted to try using kinesiology tape on my knee to help stabilize it"

RFF Family Partnership, LP appears to be the investment arm of a guy named Robert F. Freedman of Encino, CA. The Robert and Sheril Freedman Family Foundation, Inc. is a separate non-profit, which appears to have at least a fair bit of cash coming in. I can't tell what Robert F. Freedman does or did to make his bones,

This was always my problem - I get home, there's frozen meat in the fridge, but I forgot to move it into the fridge and when I defrosted stuff in the microwave, I'd get partially cooked junk. Two things I found: (1) the specialized settings and options on your microwave (assuming it has em) for defrosting different

The Alpha and Omaha

"It's a Bible story, but it paints Old Testament God as an angry, petulant child willing to murder hundreds of thousands of people because he's impatient and bored."

One would think that if all they needed was a puppet, they could find one for cheaper than $44 million a year.

I love it when people use the word retarded in the context you have here - it lets me know I'm dealing with a fucking asshole as well as an idiot right up front. My question isn't why, it's how. How does someone withdraw consent, as Jameis suggested she could have done, when it hasn't been given, which by his own

He specifically said they had a verbal exchange before oral sex happened in this very case, you dumb fuck.

Yeah that's where I think it's interesting. I'd call it a Freudian slip but I can't imagine he wrote this. Maybe it was just shoddy drafting and he meant to say "if she didn't want to go home with me, she could have...", but it reads like Jameis Winston had decided from the moment they left the bar that she had

Yeah that's a good point. I thought the most interesting claim was his timeline of events. So if I was asking questions at this next hearing, I might ask "Mr. Winston, you've indicated that the oral sex and intercourse was consensual, and that you know it was consensual because you received consent both verbally and

"but that isn't at all how consent works. Consent has to be given: it isn't assumed that you can have sex with somebody until they withdraw consent."

My grandfather played in a golf tournament in the Chicago burbs years ago - probably mid-90's. Ditka was some sort of celebrity guest at the tournament and was playing in the group behind pop-pop and his buddies. My grandpa's foursome, being men of a certain advanced age who stockpile golf balls like they cost $100

Welp, someone just lost their license.

Chicago. New Year's Eve 2008. My girlfriend at the time (now wife) and I were living in Ohio but had been invited to spend NYE in Chicago with some of her family friends, all of whom lived in the city. These family friends were part of a larger group from my wife's hometown that had rented out the upstairs portion of

Cleveland Chevy Cavaliers

Yes, his response to rumors of where the alleged assault took place and denying that his client had committed the additional offense of breaking and entering was slut shaming at its finest.

What a creative and unexpected hot take!