
I’m shocked that the Lightning kept playing Ben Bishop, even when he wasn’t able to move around in his own crease, instead of just putting in the kid Andrei Vasilevskiy.

You like, don’t know much, John Bro.

Sepp Blatter resigns as President of an organization too corrupt to have voted them out when they had the chance like a day ago.

From what I’ve gleaned from Foxtrot Alpha there is a stipulation that the Army cannot have fixed wing aircraft (helis and ospreys are ok, A-10s are not). This creates some issues for things like CAS.

“Your opinions on popular entertainments will never matter to a single person.”


You're right. My bad. I should have said she isn't suing for malpractice or any wrongdoing that involves the medical/counseling staffs of the university.


Well shit. He's definitely fucked now that he doesn't have your sympathy! Please reconsider.

Actually, from a quick Google, this event raised 8x more than the second largest college philanthropist group in the country in 2012. I am not sure about the sports culture at Penn State, but it does seem like accusing 18 year old kids of enabling a pedophile seems like a stretch.


Some of these things are lies.

"... paints the Old Testament God as an angry, petulant child willing to murder hundreds of thousands of people because he's impatient and bored."

He's not stupid. He's a puppet for all the NFL owners. If you don't realize that, you're not very smart. He takes a huge beating by the media/public, but is paid well for it.

I hope Rolling Stone doesn't apologize to any fraternity including the one mentioned in the original article. Fuck them.

Consent has to be given: it isn't assumed that you can have sex with somebody until they withdraw consent.

Who else stopped reading at Gloria Allred?

The fact that they are exempt from salary cap calculations is irrelevant - the veteran's minimum is often paid to players with skill sets that are barely discernible from street free agents (see Hollis Thompson's salary, the minimum for a player with 1 year of service). Without controls like this, wouldn't Hollis