
I figure it's worth a shot on this article: does anyone know if there's a special preparation of coffee in Puerto Rico? The finest cup of coffee I've had in my entire life - by a long shot - was in the San Juan airport on the way home from a short business trip. It almost tasted like it had evaporated or condensed

That's just not the case with defamation in this jurisdiction. There's an innocent construction rule in Illinois - if an ambiguous statement can be construed in an innocent or non-defamatory way, the court will use that innocent or non-defamatory meaning. I've done a lot of these cases and the courts almost uniformly

If it was accusing them of a crime it'd be defamation per se under Illinois law. But I think if you look back at the original list, there's probably not a case here. All the original list had was some names, their year, and either orange or red. There was no accusation of any crime on the list itself - just the names

As far as shitty PA beer that comes in a bottle, I'll stick with Lion's Head.

Two thoughts:

So you imagine that I've counseled a client, after he or she has already reached a plea bargain, that it was necessary for me to lie in public and smear their victim because maybe somewhere down the line that victim might file a civil lawsuit, even though the victim is married to my client and has publicly and

So his comments were meant to persuade a potential jury pool in a civil case that hadn't been discussed, much less filed. A civil lawsuit by whom? His wife, who had already publicly stated that she was standing by her husband in every way, shape, and form?

I find it hard to take you seriously when you don't know the difference between "your" and "you're."

That's not my point. I completely understand why this guy went on the radio - for all the reasons you just said. What I take issue with is people excusing him going on the radio and lying about what happened by claiming he was just fulfilling his solemn duty to defend his client. He wasn't - he was taking the role of

So defend those business interests in an arbitration proceeding - fine. That's a far sight from going on the radio and spouting a bunch of lies. There's certainly nothing that this attorney did that was against the law and I'm not suggesting as much, but don't excuse him being a lying piece of shit by claiming it was

I'm a defense attorney. His job is to soften/defend Ray Rice in a court of law, not on the radio. No part of this was essential to our justice system. If you want someone to lie on the radio for you, hire a PR flack.

I mean, I get it in some sense. I honestly think that it has less to do with people really, truly believing that Joe Paterno did nothing wrong and probably more to do with a bunker mentality - the whole nation hates our school so everyone circles the wagons and convinces one another that we're the victims.

I don't think you understood what I wrote. The "this" in my first sentence referred to the lifting of sanctions, nothing else. I guess I am excited that the students who had nothing to do with this scandal can play in a bowl game, but that excitement is tempered by the expectation (apparently playing out right now on

I went to Penn State, and I don't know how to feel about this. I guess I'm excited, but at the same time I'm dreading the shitstorm that this is going to bring out of the woodwork. I was finally starting to feel like we, as an institution, had at least placed a little distance between ourselves and Franco Harris'

I think it'd been planned to coincide with the public release of the second part of Sen. Mitchell's report but yeah, the timing was awfully fortuitous.

I agree - taking someone's private images, that they never authorized for public use and which someone else misappropriated, and plastering them all over the internet in service of some elusive, undefined web ideal is terrible.

When I was growing up in a smallish city, our local newspaper would flash an item if a C-list celebrity so much as stopped into a gas station to take a dump on his/her way through town. I assumed that, after moving to Chicago, things would be different. And yet once a week, I open up the free morning daily on the El

Jesus. Those two douchers saying "You know how we do!" while exiting the "Browns Bunch" van. That's good for a 10-point spike in blood pressure right there.

Plus he turned MATT FUCKING MCGLOIN into an NFL quarterback. You cannot truly appreciate that without having been there in person for McGloin's 5-interception performance against Florida in the 2011 Outback Bowl.

Speaking as a Penn State alum, the departure of Bill O'Brien was really something special to behold. You'd think coming off of the absolute worst, most embarrassing scandal in the history of college if not all of sports, we'd have a little bit more perspective than to be throwing around words like "traitor" and