
While the delivery of the show is very much in the “old school”, multi-camera, sitcom vein, the content itself is really well done — and incredibly modern and relevant. I didn’t know what to expect when I started watching it a few weeks ago, but as it went on, I got really invested in all of the characters and their

Dogs always sleep in the bed with me and my husband. I don’t see that changing anytime soon with our present mutt or future pups, and I’m ok with that. Once they get to an age where they recognize that it’s bedtime and not playtime any longer, I’ve never had a problem with a pup settling down for the night and letting

I love defending those points (because I like winning); I HATE attacking them. Much like both points of Hanamura, they often feel practically impossible to attack if you can’t get a team kill (or near team kill) with a lucky ultimate. There’s very little opportunity to chip away at those points, so it usually seems

You mean Kirk Hamilton’s 2018 predictions on the SplitScreen podcast? ;)

I’m reasonably certain they are. I know the three of them appeared together at the Emmys last year. They didn’t have to do that appearance together if they didn’t get along well enough.

I’m still waiting on the Dolly Parton cameo!

I am absolute crap at this game, and I don’t see that improving any time soon. Still, I admit that I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Now if I could just figure out building and how to wall someone in like you were attempting

Ugh... I missed this! No “First Penis”?!? *gasp*

The situation is a lot more nuanced than that, right?

While I’ve had the occasional celebrity encounter in my life, I’ve never once fanboyed over any of them.

So, a newbie follow-up: Why would you ever want to forge/use a negative affinity weapon?

Also a beginner to the series, and for the 30+ hours I’ve put into it so far, I love it! I wish my core group of gaming friends were interested in it, since I think I’d enjoy hunting more with them. Still, as a solo experience with random silent interactions with other players when I fire my SOS flare (or join others’

Consider me proudly shunned!

For me, I didn’t care that it was “fuckton” versus “buttload”, but I was disappointed that that was the only lyric change between the two versions (at least that I picked up). If you’re going to have an explicit version of a song, go all out (see: I’m a Good Person, I’m So Good at Yoga, JAP Battle, etc.)!

Completely agreed. I use Mystery Heroes for just that reason. It forces me to get at least a passing grasp on my worst characters (I’m looking at you, Doomfist). I’m an absolutely crap Widowmaker, yet just last night, I managed to take out/heavily damage 4-5 players before the opposing DVa found me and ended my reign

At least a little co-op would have made it better, even if not full-on multiplayer pvp. I’ve enjoyed what I’ve played of it so far, but it’s not a game I’m clamoring to finish.

That’s the only thing I’ve been able to come up with, too. The only other thing I can think of is that they’re banking on Trump to block this one from being released, so then they can just ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and say “Well, this is certainly troubling, but how can we possibly do anything about it?” 

Honest question here, because if there’s legitimate analysis out there, I haven’t found it yet: What do the Republicans get out of releasing the Democrat’s rebuttal memo (esp. after completely stonewalling its release just last week)?

I just started watching this on a whim when it first premiered, because I love Kristen Bell and Ted Danson. It has quickly grown to become one of my favorite shows on the air right now (right up there with Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and Handmaid’s Tale for me), and I’ve gotten really attached to these characters and their