Well, his husband just discovered he married a straight dude. The evidence speaks for itself.
Well, his husband just discovered he married a straight dude. The evidence speaks for itself.
When I was a kid a neighbor reacted to his boys having lice by cutting their hair off with dog clippers. They looked like that.
“Captain D’s is a fast seafood destination akin to Long John Silver’s, but better in every conceivable way, except that it’s mostly only in the South.”
It sucks and it’s so hard. My heart goes out to you. Hope your case is as mild as mine has been. <3
I got the covid and so no, he’s in the living area and I’m in the bedroom and I miss him. Weird to miss someone who is only about 10 feet away. :( We need to get him tested to see if he’s just asymptomatic.
Cake is always there for you. Angry, anxious, mad, sad. Cake will do it.
Cake will not let you down. Cake is here for you.
“Louche slink of an aging rent boy” is POETRY.
Those rims she’s sporting are certainly a solid effort at a chastity belt!
I think I learned that on this site, that Paltrow and Falchuk don’t live together full-time because of their approaches to parenting - that’s what I was referencing by ‘they don’t normally live together.’
Leave it to Goop to preach bullshit.
If everyone is so darn healthy from all those pricey Goop “wellness products” ,what’s the problem Gwyn? All that detox, de-stress advice and immunity boosting bullshit letting you down? You should all be bulletproof about now, not complaining a bout being home in a large house with…
It’s come to the point that I pop my square while I’m in my last meeting of the day, now. [sigh]
Both Ina and Martha have really grown on me as they’ve (or I’ve) mellowed with age. I don’t care about the obvious implications -- that I’m now bougie AF -- they’re some fun ol’ girls and I’d knock back a bucket of whatever they’re pouring any day.
Pets have routines, too.
Don’t they live together 4 days a week and other 3 is when he has his kids so he spends those 3 days in his home?
More reason for me to hate on GOOP. She stole Martin Scorsese’s glasses. Stealing glasses from an old man. Tsk.
Her plan [is] to have a natural birth—“I should be able to give birth without numbing my body,” she says. “I’ve gone through a lot of major sports injuries and endured a lot of pain, but nothing is going to be like childbirth. I feel like if I don’t experience that, then I’ll never really know what I can do, what I’m…
TL;DR: Brianna and Roger KILL this show; taking bets on which epi that fresh fiery cross atop the ridge will get lit.
I think I’ve mentioned it previously, but the absolute TRAGIC lack of chemistry between the actors playing Roger and Brianna cripple the show so badly it’s almost unbearable. This happens on plenty of…
As a fellow horrible sleep - GET A WEIGHTED BLANKET. It has seriously changed my life. I used to wake up, on average, 5 times a night; now that I sleep with a weighted blanket, I legit sleep from whenever I get in bed to 7:00 am like clockwork.
As a fellow horrible sleep - GET A WEIGHTED BLANKET. It has seriously changed my life. I used to wake up, on…