
Thanks. I can’t even tell you how terrifying it was. I thought he was going to strangle me to death with that telephone cord. I still can’t handle anyone touching my neck. I try to present a very calm cool and collected I’ve-got-my-shit together demeanor at all times, but watching Dr. Ford testify in front of those

All of them lifelong members of the May I Speak to Your Manager Tabernacle Choir.

It’s like they rolled off Hell’s assembly line.

All of this! Even in these comments I’m seeing a lot of “My parents help me, but....”. BUT count your blessings because there are people out there who are up to their eyeballs in student debt. BUT people who aren’t being monetarily subsidized have had to go without basic necessities to even get to a point where they

If your family has money you’re going to advance farther and faster than those who don’t enjoy that privilege even though the argument could be made that someone from money doesn’t need that crucial leg up to begin with. We are living in a society where having money is rewarded with opportunity and more money while

I didn’t include the gas & electric, food (a conservative $100 weekly), Uber, or, the big ticket item - health insurance. Even without the health insurance cost, she would still require at least another $10,000 of salary. As she works only 29.9 hours per week, she is part-time and wouldn’t be on a company plan. So her

Thanks for this. The irony that an internet comment could produce a much more realistic portrait of her finances than the diary entry that provided the info to do so is probably the clearest indication that they failed in their mission

Just crunching the numbers, this woman has a gross income of at least $82,500.

I just got kicked off of a nursing forum because someone had started a topic re: how history will judge us, and I could not believe the nurses on there defending this intentional family separation cruelty. NURSES!!! Some of them pediatric nurses!!!! I went off and they booted me. (Because you know it’s worse to CALL pe


Yes! Because people don’t point this out to gain significance, they point it out to MAKE IT STOP. If you point it out, you can prevent it from happening to others. Tony Robbins made a really dumb argument here.

I always get pissed off about these types of motivational speakers that view any type of externalization of blame as “victimhood” or “blaming others.” It always reads, to me, like what they’re trying to do is guilt you and make you dislike yourself so that you’ll buy their next book/attend their next seminar on how to

This horrible woman is evidence of the consequences of abiding by patriarchal systems (in her case, fundamental/religious) that hate and degrade women. Situating oneself near the seat of male power (her preacher-daddy and an evil, sexual-assaulting POTUS) while promoting anti-woman messages assigns SHS some facsimile

Absolutely there is more coming. Her lawyer is too smart to dump it at once.

Yeah, this guy has been with Trump in very private settings on an almost daily basis. He saw and heard things. He likely engaged in collusion. Their assets are at risk.

I should be cheering this—I agree with the high road and doing the right thing. In principle. But from what I can tell, taking the high road all the time just gives us a better view to watch the GOP run roughshod over our laws and citizens because they’re more invested in getting what than want than keeping their

Republicans won’t care and won’t follow suit unless it’s “gay” stuff.

Everyone? Great, show “them.” And all those white women who voted for Trump will suddenly see the light and not do so a second time, and all those women voting and campaigning for Moore will be won over by our righteous seizure of the “moral high-ground.” Fantasy. I mean, whether he resigns or not, it’s not likely

I recently googled that term because my (adult) kids were saying it back and forth to each other during their recent visit. It was clearly fun for them because they were saying it in front of their blissfully ignorant mom.