
I don’t know why people find him so attractive? I may get flack for saying this, but it is my perception that 45% of all dudes in France resemble Orlando Bloom. Also, my hubs has an even better body than him at 40 and is lusciously gorgeous, so perhaps I’m spoiled and the hotness bar for me is set fairly high.

You don’t invite Nazis to tea so they can wax rhapsodic about the final solution, you stab them in the neck.

I worked hard to be at a really healthy weight and thought it would magically go away but it hasn’t. My mother has it too. I’ll never forget the night we shared a hotel and she came out of the bathroom wearing the mask. I fell to my knees laughing. I call it my birth control mask.

She’s a sociopath. You can’t counsel or medicate it away.

Oh, boy, the Fyre Festival of urban housing.

The “They are a nice person” thing needs to die a firey death. I am so sick of people who lie, cheat, steal, and try to undermine American democracy getting the “they are nice when you meet them” line (Sean Spicer and Jeff Sessions seem to get this a lot). Like, yea, most people attempt to be at least somewhat

I don’t think she’s brilliant. I think she stooped to the lowest common denominator for the election. She lied and cheated as much as Trump supporters do, or want to do.

Don’t do that. That invites empathy, because lord knows we’ve all been there.

Resting rich face.

It’s true that she’s brainwashed, but by that extent, so is he. I’m not minimizing that brainwashing: I grew up with a sadistic mother who abused me every moment of my day, took my money, didn’t allow me to drive, and once even called a college I got into to tell them I couldn’t attend because I had died...but I got

Today’s tweet assessment: First one closest to actually being by trump: I’d give it a 60-70% probability. The latter two not by him.

That, I think she’s used to.

Angela Merkel apparently only speaks German in diplomatic meetings with English native speakers (so using an interpreter despite actually being able to speak English quite well) in order to level the playing field and not let the other party have an unfair advantage from the start...

Yeah, I’m disappointed too. It’s not a zero-sum game. We can (and should) be glad that Eichenwald is seeing justice for the assault perpetrated against him AND also want the Gamergate asshole meninists who perpetrate online assaults against women to receive the same justice.

This headline is so misleading and it’s so, so shameful of you to frame the situation like this. The GIF caused him a seizure. He’s epileptic. Yes, that is assault when you do something with the intent of hurting someone else, whether it’s just a GIF. That troll put him in danger knowingly. Epileptic seizures are

There’s a moment just when she is finished speaking, just before she turns in his direction, where for just a nanosecond you can see her eyes narrow and you know he’s having trouble sitting because of the low-heeled sensible shoe she wedged in his ass when the press wasn’t there.

She’s set Putin in his place more than once - our POTUS is like a squishy fun balloon to bat around in comparison.

Also, if Trump does not have a case of backpfeifengesicht*, I don’t know who does.

if you’re giving me hope for his demise, thank you

Probably spends more time on a toilet shitting out burned steak.