Well, that’s what you get when you send a man to do a woman’s job. Secretary of State is for tough bitches, not fuzzy little manpeaches like this one. Men simply don’t have the stamina for such a career. It’s just science.
Well, that’s what you get when you send a man to do a woman’s job. Secretary of State is for tough bitches, not fuzzy little manpeaches like this one. Men simply don’t have the stamina for such a career. It’s just science.
He went to Jared...
The fact that antebellum debutante Lindsey Graham might be all that stands between us and this lunacy is a truly terrifying thought.
Were all the toilets in your dorm constantly broken because of this? That was my official introduction to the realities of eating disorders in person. Hallful of 18-20year old women away from home for the first time + vintage plumbing = horror.
Medicine? Doesn’t that contain chemicals!???!!!
Me too! Why go to Austria when you can go to the pharmacy and pick up GoLytely instead?
I’ve got one but it will cost you $500. It’s a fancy powder you mix with water to make nonsense juice.
It did make me re-think my life choices a little bit though. “Maybe I can open one of these fancy diarrhea clinics and people will pay ME exorbitant amounts of money? Is south Texas as fancy as Austria?”
I’m not sure why any medical professional who’s aware of your having body dysmorphia would promote such an extreme regime that focuses largely on the superficial.
Exactly. They’ve spent all their energy creating imaginary foes to fight - they have less idea of what to do than a schoolyard bully who holds your books above your head while taunting you. The bully doesn’t want the books, he just wants to fight. Give him the books and he’ll just stands there slack-jawed - which is…
Love ain’t blind. She didn’t love him despite his douchiness, but because there was something about his douchiness that appealed to her.
Why is everyone letting her off the hook? She married him with full grown up agency. Maybe she’s a racist POS too.
Damn, judgemental much? I don’t know if you think you’re helping but condescending bullshit like this is unwelcome and unhelpful. Get help with your ass hat reactions. Get help soon. Seriously.
This is on point.
It’s good that SNL has finally stopped pulling the punches with Ivanka. She’s playing such an active role in the Presidency that she is totally fair game.
Jesus fucking Christ, are you the sleazy loser in the photo? Get some fucking therapy, pissant.
I’m still kind of mad that ‘female empowerment’ is embodied by a girl, rather than a grown-ass woman. But I guess girls are non-threatening enough to not crush the testicles of these manbabies....
Vapid, drunk frat boy humor is always super hilarious and totally original, amirite?? *high-five*
Good. I don’t want to be your friend. You sound nasty.