
You saw eye-to-eye enough to have three kids together, dude.

I’ve heard of lots of people who are really into working out hungover. I tried yoga once hungover and Jesus fuck I wanted to die. When you are hungover you sleep forever and then you watch TV on the sofa for the rest of eternity. There is no other way.

I did it as a teen too! That’s when I discovered my head is really too large for no hair. I’m also scared if I do it now it would come back completely gray and I’m not ready to be a salt and pepper pumpkin.

I had the same thought when Lady Gaga once said that she works out hungover and that she loves it.

Also, it’s totally possible to rotate one hand about 90 degrees to keep your rings from banging together, and keep looking like a human.


Never had TJ’s beet hummus, but beet hummus is general is definitely a top 3 hummus for me.

I love that you used “how fabulous is that?”

Younger Me would have been making plane reservations for the next one now.

If yard signs are any indication, someone’s been running over my and my neighbor’s Clinton/Kaine signs, and then just stole them completely. Despite being surrounded by a bunch of pristine “lock her up” and “Hillary for Prison” yard signs (ahhhh, the rural south). Makes it pretty clear who the bullies are vs actual

That’s pretty generous, actually. You are just wishing them a prosperous career in space exploration, right?

This is much ado about nothing. It was just a joke. It’s not like anyone has ever used violent imagery to suggest that politicians they disagree with should be shot, then someone actually went and shot those people!


I really hope I’m laughing at myself on Nov 9th... “what the fuck was i so worried about?!!?”

Going to go back through the comments section on nov 9th just to laugh at all the “omg it’s the apocalypse trump is totes gonna win now!!!” comments and laugh. If I’m wrong, someone can do the same to me, but considering millions of people have already voted I don’t see this changing shit.

Between the human asshole that is Donald, an actual Weiner, and reminders of Bill’s inability to keep it in his pants, it has never been clearer why we need more women in power.

Same. My stress level is back up to the level it was in the days after the 2000 elections. My birthday is on Election Day this year, and I’m not much of a drinker, but either way I think I’m going to be sobbing into some gin toddies from the nauseating angst of it all.

More needs to be made of the fact that a Presidential candidate that has had a habit of saying fascistic things and proposing fascistic policies has such solid backing from law enforcement agencies that would have to enforce his fascist policies (FOP, Comey, military, etc.). They seem eager to participate in things