I love this story. It’s such a Dad-joke kind of thing to do. :)
I love this story. It’s such a Dad-joke kind of thing to do. :)
I’m already looking forward to the impeachment hearings if she wins. This is going to be fun*.
OMG. This is peak “can I speak to your manager?” hair.
Those are all so, so, so bad. Does no one on his staff have the balls to say anything to him? I feel like they have to know how terrible it is. I assume they all have eyes.
One thing I can control is the amount of donuts I will eat in response to this sad as hell post.
I don’t know why, but I have a chuckle every time I think of a person out there who would vote for Trump, if only they didn’t think he was racist. Like, that’s the only reason.
I like that typo “surprised video.” Like Trump’s depravity is so shocking that even the video itself is surprised.
That is smart and a good point. You are smart
“See? Donald Trump was never racist! That makes YOU the racist one, you dumb liberal!”
Yeah, it does seem like a no-brainer. But, then again, so does just about every one of his supporters.
Commentor Busslayer upthread summed it up best. It’s not about black voters, it’s about white voters. Specifically, it is about the white voters who are on the fence about casting their ballot for Trump due to his racism. This gives them the “out” they want. It soothes their nerves when they can say he reached out to…
There’s something unusual in the US work culture that produces an argument style on this issue that I don’t often see elsewhere. It amounts to “I don’t get fair treatment, so these people shouldn’t complain”, or worse, “... so they shouldn’t get fair treatment”. It is a point that is rarely made without the…
This is what I don’t get.
So he thinks he was ok in this???
Please let this election end already. It just feels so weird rooting for Megyn Kelly for something.
Advanced lifehack: get laid whenever, wherever your SO will let you get it, because that shit won’t last forever. If you can get laid before, during, and/or after date night, do it. Preferably all 3.
Dan Savage has been talking this up for years: always fuck first.
10 years? That’s OK, I was afraid you were going to say 20 and I was going to shit myself.