To the police immediately and her nurse who is specially trained for rape exams says it’s the worst injuries she’s seen but yeah one video from a fratdouche where he mumbles a word and it’s just left alone by the police.
To the police immediately and her nurse who is specially trained for rape exams says it’s the worst injuries she’s seen but yeah one video from a fratdouche where he mumbles a word and it’s just left alone by the police.
They did the same thing with Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. He called it a “high tech lynching” and a lot of people went along with that view.
Yeah...might have well opened with “as a lying whore female I can attest that all sluts are women. I mean what was I saying?”
And this horrifying story is exactly why we need local newspapers to keep doing their job.
“men have a potential, women have a past.”
They smell like troll to me, mate.
Yeah pretty much anytime someone starts off with “as a ____ “ and then goes on to say something sexist, racist, or homo/transphobic you can pretty much assume they aren’t a woman, POC, or gay/trans person.
Those guys are huge pieces of shit, too. Wow. WOW.
Rape apologists say that victims should go to the police immediately. Well here is a victim who did just that, and it was a terrible process for her. Look at all that had to happen to get this vile POS finally charged
“Since cops tend to have more domestic abusers among their ranks than the general population”
Google is not free where you come from?
I came here to see if this was going to be covered by Jezebel, and send a link in about the story if it hadn’t been. This is happening everywhere. And it’s not new. It’s just been uncovered. It was already an epidemic. Rape culture has never NOT been an epidemic, in the history of mankind. And everything I read…
i don’t get how people like him not only have friends but they help him cover up his crimes? if you torture animals, mistreat those who can’t retaliate against you, show predatory behavior, i RUN from you like the plague. I just,...... how do you feel safe around them? rationalize a friend who rapes? whats wrong with…
They don’t need to. No one hires copy editors anymore, they just post articles and wait for commentors to catch errors for them. It’s the publishing version of letting consumers act as beta testers.
LABEL OTHER END I refuse to reply directly to you. But, you are not a woman. And just a sad person hiding behind a keyboard. Did typing that give you a thrill? Do you think you are changing peoples minds?
I teach some topics (humanities, ethics, feminism) that mean I have to study, at least a little, and stay up to date on some of these topics. I have honestly never thought of that connection. Despite knowing the domestic abuse stats and cops connection, this just never occurred to me.
Can we have more pop culture (books, movies) where rapist a get their due? Like stabbed, or their junk cut off? I want more movies like that.
Thank you...was too tired to point this out after reading it five times
“Had several people—including Isenor, multiple victims and one very diligent cop—worked tirelessly to see Drill-Mellum prosecuted, he might never have been.”