
Ah, okay, this wasn’t clear from your initial comment. Yeah, there are definitely some “musicians” who really aren’t very good at ANY instrument (including voice) out there, and it is indeed frustrating to see how successful they can become when there are so many legitimately talented people out there who simply

pop stars who don’t play instruments have LONG been awesome: James Brown, for one. But he led a BITCHING GOOD BAND. The idea that you can sing karaoke in an arena and people fall over themselves for your “artistry” is weak as hell.


Exactly! She’s a terrific self-promoter and performer, but her singing is and always has been mediocre.

Haha, it’s all good; I feel the exact same way! I didn’t spend countless hours and thousands of dollars on private vocal lessons and music school to just have people who can barely sing make more money than I’ll ever see just because they have access to auto tune.

how tight is your t-shirt.


I found myself fondly reminiscing the days when tying your dog in its crate to the roof of your car was an authentic election season scandal. Life was simpler then.

Wait, it was already established that you needed to move after the first incident. Now you should just burn your house down.

Well many of the Jezzies were right in their speculation of what went down on the plane. I have to disagree that that

OH MAN I hadn’t put two and two together til now but now I have an even creepier coda!! My dad spent the night with us a while back and I woke up in the middle of the night to whimpering that turned into full on sobbing coming from the guest room. The door was closed, and I didn’t want to disturb him. I asked him

I really hope this story doesn’t get lost in the weeds! It’s short and delicious!

Jesus Christ.

“Don’t worry, I’m leaving.” OH OK GUESS I WON’T FREAK OUT IN THAT CASE. :|

GO DOGGIE! He earned his place in doggie heaven.

Who’s a good boy!

You need to take your ass to an experienced medium and get some answers.

I’ve accomplished nothing at work today other than getting too scared to go use the bathroom by myself.

Say goodbye to productivity, Work Week!

When I was in my early twenties, I drove my friend to the hospital after his dad had a heart attack. I stuck around with him waiting for news, and we were sitting outside the hospital on the curb when the strangest thing happened.