That’s way past negging and into psycho. I’m glad he showed his true colors before you met in person. Stay safe.
That’s way past negging and into psycho. I’m glad he showed his true colors before you met in person. Stay safe.
I think he does understand that some people see the world differently from him. In his brain, those people are bad, bad, enemy people who cannot be trusted. You’re either 100% Trump, or you are cast into the proverbial cornfield.
Alec Baldwin actually slipped some of this in his impression, to my delight.
Thanks for the Wiki link - what stood out to me were these:
Seriously. Once you know about NPD it’s impossible NOT to see, and depressingly predictable. We can only hope HRC has an entire team of psychiatrists on staff able to advise on how best to leverage it.
Yup, he is a masterclass in the lesson of what projection looks like.
His actions are truly baffling to people who haven’t had to deal with NPD (or didn’t know there was a name and a “logic” to it). THAT’S BECAUSE THEY DEFY LOGIC. That’s the ENTIRE point of their actions— just think about how you would act if you didn’t understand the perspectives of others, in any way.
I would probably break my screen and my hand trying to high five her
President Obama is frequently credited as playing chess where everyone else is playing checkers. Meanwhile, Donald Trump is playing “nuh uh, YOU are, nyahhhhh.”
This times a thousand. How the entire population does not come to the exact same conclusion about this guy’s psycho-pathology is astonishing on so many levels. There is nothing that comes out of this guy’s mouth that isn’t pure, unadulterated projection. Not a thing. He really needs to forced in to an old fashioned…
Oh, good, I can repost this comment:
Trump will next criticize Clinton’s ill-fitting suits, her inexplicably orange skin, her tendency to loom over people, and her terrible comb-over. “I hear she just reaches out and grabs people by the pussy, is what I hear” reports Trump.
sorry, president evil, her drug tests are currently being audited.
Ugh, i’ve seen so much hyperbole about Blunt’s “puffy, alcoholic features in this film”. After last night (white wine, cheese, weed, more wine), all I can say in response is “bitch, please”. I need a face-iron.
Wonder what she thought about Bob Dylan winning the Nobel. Admiration, no doubt.
It looks like she is eating a bran muffin? Probably under husband’s orders. Trump appears to be eating...cannoli and some rolled-up ham? Barron is eating what looks to be a cheese Danish.
You’re right. I will certainly not be voting for this Bill Clinton person.
I forgot; who is running for president in 2016?