
Haha! Not laughing AT you, but the circumstances (though sadly expensive) are better than any comedy I’ve seen lately. Better luck next time :)

Are you sure your girlfriends weren’t thinking the Exact Same Thing? Maybe next time “Hmm, ya know? This morning I was thinking of this new club just down the street from here. We could dance, AND there’s karaoke.” There will be silent shared glances - reticent at first. Then slightly bolder side-eye evaluations,

Omg it wasn’t just me!! I love makeup and I was so interested to learn about these women, but god, I didn’t need street addresses. Just tell me their “story!”

The topic is fascinating and the author is very passionate but it was unreadable. I couldn’t finish it even though not finishing a book hurts my soul a little bit.

Yes, Donald Trump has serially sexually assaulted women and bragged about it. But Hillary Clinton HAS A VAGINA. Nothing Trump could do could be as shameful as that.

Yeah, i was like “I am looking at her. What’s your point.”

No, you’re right, it’s not a coincidence that these reports are coming 26 days before Election Day, Don. YOU’RE RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT.

The lack of consent is a CRIME. Not some debate about political correctness.

  Oh us nutty lefties, tolerating all forms of sexuality/sexual expression unless consent isn’t there. Well we’re a bunch of chumps.

He’s either saying consent is a left “thing” or he’s fucking baffled that the left is more outraged by rape than by anything other than 100% vanilla hetero sex.

Holy Christ eating a shit sandwich in the Garden of Gethsemane, is that fucking idiot really saying rape should be preferable to consenting adults doing consenting adult things if he or any of his idiot friends find them in any way deviant? The tactic now is really to mock consent as a liberal agenda? I need to lie

He actually tried to say consent is a left (code for crazy) thing?? My lord, is he on pills again?

Ahh. Aaahhhh. They are trying to drive me insane! Maybe that’s their plan to get new constituents.

This is probably why sexual predators shouldn’t make their election campaigns about consent/assault.

There are some crazy people raised on romantic novels who somehow believe that having a child is like taking an extended vacation to a tropical resort. That it is the ultimate expression of love between two people! I don’t understand it at all. They virtually swoon over the idea of two people (who they don’t know)

I assume “Jesus” is an affordable Napa Valley Chardonnay.

*victoriously stirs drink*

At least Billy the Kid was honest about his immature dirtbaggery.

the worst thing about elections is that you have to learn about all of these assholes