
You win the internet for the day. Well, you and my 70 year old mother who literally just sent me this meme and told me to make a poster and “spread the word”

I think the divorce is coming

Well, as one of the 4 daughters of a man who retained his sexist attitudes after I was born, colour me not shocked. Becoming fathers doesn’t cure men of sexist attitudes.

Well, knock me down with a feather!

Seriously he should not fuck with her. She will not hesitate to scorch and salt the earth.

This and also Ethridge’s claims that Jolies “Fixer” contacted her after an interview with Andy Cohen makes me believe Jolie’s after EVERYONE.

That’s the secret btw, the same one the Obama’s share.

Watch the video and you can garner an answer to that. His mom preferred the olive suit, and the debate reminded him of when mom and dad fight.
Ken is still waiting for mom to call him out of the basement and tell him which way to vote. But only when dad’s not around.

Oh, young people.

He doesn’t need to be 20 years younger. *purrrrrrrrr*

Yes, but if she said that, she’d be “shrill”

I can’t wait for the dramatic reenactment of him splitting his pants and deciding to go with the red sweater instead.

the issue was that the left-leaners were obeying the “no applause” rule.

When the lady asked about Supreme Court justices, I turned to my wife and asked “What kind of undecided voter asks about SCOTUS nominees???”

“I was leaning very heavily towards Donald Trump but Secretary Clinton impressed me with her composure and with a lot of her answers. So now I think I’m just going to wait for the last political debate and in this cycle you never know what could happen.”

So now I think I’m just going to wait for the last political debate and in this cycle you never know what could happen

Ken Bone, the undisputed winner of last night’s debate

Very giggly and euphoric, like someone who has a secret crush.

Very giggly and euphoric, like someone who has a secret crush.

At least Tiffany was too far away for him to touch. Save yourself, Tiffany.