
You may have a problem with that given her rather “youthful” (aka naive, aka wrong-headed) adherence to a candidate that was perfectly all right (I LOVE HIM) to support during the primaries but now puts the survival of the species, NAY: THE PLANET, in jeopardy!

I actually feel more forgiving of her lunacy now that I’ve been reminded she’s in her seventies. Like with other crazed old coots, I’ll give her a pass on the ground that she has lost control of her faculties due to the ravages of age, which have left her body astonishly intact, but hollowed out her mind like a

She does act like a junior in college, tho.

Sarandon is one step from batshit. All for Sanders people taking their passion to the convention, but people like her have enabled lots of plebes to feel holding their vote from Clinton is somehow moral. When the reality is that none seem to have matured past the ego of their enlightened first semester of freshmen

I’m not a fan of any type of a woman who so poorly represents Bernie supporters as deranged and women as irrational. *Also* would rather support Trump than Hillary and went on a #NeverHillary campaign. No thank you! Go back to your ping pong crazy sue.

Oh Melissa, please tell me mooooooooore.

Exactly. By which I mean, of course not, heh.

do we get to watch those women drag the bad boys off to presumably rape them?

who the fuck, other than straight white dudes, wants to go back to 1860's wild west

Then she really needs to fire her security team.

Given the smoke and mirrors involved in the making of the Kardashian brand, or any reality show, it’s not really an asshole comment.

The more I see of Trump, the more I think he is actually the worst person in America (non-murderer category). I would not buy a bagel from that man.

The death drive is littered with “Stop” signs, and bombshell actress Margot Robbie is one of them.

My mom has early onset Alzheimer’s. My husband and I have a pact to kill ourselves if it happens to us. 

This is why I get mad about how much funding cancer gets. 52% of people diagnosed with cancer will go into remission, and are ultimately “cured”. Whereas 100% of dementia/Alzheimer’s patients will die from those or causes related to in only a matter of years - and the deterioration of these people is absolutely

It’s Lewy Body Disease/Dementia (LBD)

According to the article I read, they eventually removed the copy editor after her error rate went down. but then her error rate suddenly rose again. Weird, huh?

She doesn’t want him prosecuted YET. When she wants something and he isn’t willing to give, then she will be will cooperate. Well played Olivia Pope.

And yet they still employ her? She must have dirt on someone.

He also married her because she got her ass knocked up. He has probably spent a lot of time thinking of Tiffany as what Marla used to blackmail him into marriage.