
Yup. You can go from a mundane neighborhood street to a busy nightlife to the top of the Hancock easily in one novel and your characters will fit in each one.

Congrats. I’ve been working on a novel as well, set in my old ‘hood of Edgewater. Doing so satisfies my homesickness and helps me get a clear vision of the scene I’m trying to create. I change a few names but the directions the characters go to the store, the bars they hang out in, etc. are all based on real places. I

Haha but sometimes winter DOES actually feel that way. Then summer comes and it’s like the scene in Wizard of Oz when Dorothy steps out of black and white and into technicolor.

Last winter was my DREAM Chicago winter. I rode my bike to work almost every day. There was almost no snow. It was bliss. I am praying for that winter again! We are on opposite teams.

I also watched Easy in a weekend and enjoyed seeing my local spots on display (“Hey, that’s local celebrity Paul McGee!”). Swanberg’s Chicago is the Chicago of the upwardly-mobile and educated with some capital to pay $12 for tiki cocktails.

Having a kid before 25 is like leaving a party by 10 PM.

Honestly I think it was like, look at Taylor swift. She is young. I can’t believe I had kids and a marriage at that young age.

I think you can just wear whatever the fuck now.

And wasn’t trying to be a professor/UN spokesperson.

Definitely overkill-makes me wonder what she’s hiding. She was really open with her “wildness” when she was young so why on earth is she hiring a crisis management consultant for a divorce? What skeletons does she have that need to be managed?

I would seriously love it if this divorce went quiet and happened without us knowing. Can we crowd fund for her to do the same for the election as well?

If anyone had any questions about how obsessed Angelina is with her image this should explain it all. I’m sure her crazy fans will say it’s just good business..after a decade of bragging about how she has no media people and slamming Jennifer Aniston for merely having a publicist.

I guess Brad won’t see his kids again.

All I could think about looking at that was, “How the fuck does she wear an ivory dress with those two kids and it’s not covered in snot and cheerio dust and some unidentifiable sticky shit?”

Actually, I don’t like Cheetos. I was eating Cheez It - Extra Toasty. I really wanted Cheez It - All Burned Around the Edges, but I don’t think they’re out yet.

Are you peeping in my window right now? Creepy.

I see no evidence of it.

The day that I can read the news without having to come across the name Donald Trump will be one of the happiest days of my life.

Nothing gives me as much pleasure as knowing how much President Barrack Hussein Obama chafes their asses. They can refuse to call him president and check his papers but he is still in charge!

I keep thinking to myself, “oh, there’s no way that people can display any worse behavior than what has already been displayed in this election cycle. Nothing shocks me anymore. We have reached peak Asshole Behavior.”