It’s open carry only if the victim is white, it’s brandishing if you are black.
It’s open carry only if the victim is white, it’s brandishing if you are black.
This point needs to be hammered home, and I can promise the racists are going to ignore it.
Just a note: even if you buy the “holding a gun” story, NC is an open carry state
Oh so that’s what happened when they left the attic.
lol, don’t worry I am sure actual tea is going to spill quite soon. at least i hope...
Right? And the kids have more money for therapy than I do. Wheeeee down the petty rabbit hole
Embrace the void in your soul, girl. Go for it. Pettiness is fun, and we can all be gleeful idiots in harmony.
Go with your petty side. #teampetty
I do not understand this at all. My best friend’s husband is a good guy but a pretty rubbish parent (like, he does NOTHING) and she’s like ‘well, maybe a second will make him have to help’. Second kid, still not really helping. It’s been three years and he hasn’t given either kid a bath once.
Tbh I bought 2 bottles of wine for myself just for this post (and the subsequent Brangelina internet hole I plan to fall into). I mean I was reading this in the car outside of TJ’s and I thought “No. this needs wine.”
That’s an interesting theory! That makes more sense to me than the extreme cover-up theory because the only thing that makes me question the intruder theory is that ransom note. I think her brother despised her and the parents knew that. So thinking Burke did something and that’s why she was missing, Patsy panicked…
I knew it would happen eventually, too, and I’m surprised it lasted this long. Their smugness about the relationship was grating.
Right? It’s crazy far fetched but still explains everything. Truth is stranger than fiction, so they say.
Interesting. That has the weirdness of truth to it.
There is also the outside DNA to explaine. My two cents: they THOUGHT Burke did it. Maybe there had been issues before and they found her and thought he did it. He would, of course, deny it either way. The note is so clearly not a real ransom note. The FBI has literally never seen anything like that. So that’s my…
But smearing your feces on things at almost 10 years old? No matter how jealous a kid may be, that shit ain’t right.