I couldn’t believe the tasing. I’d be asking for a lot of $$ to be tased on TV. I’m firmly in camp ‘don’t tase me bro!’
I couldn’t believe the tasing. I’d be asking for a lot of $$ to be tased on TV. I’m firmly in camp ‘don’t tase me bro!’
Damn you! Now I have to subscribe to another freaking podcast.
Oh damn those are some crazy eyes.
Noooooo do not bang.
What’s up with people like that? I don’t get it!
Six kids in and she realizes she’s not cool with how he parents? Whatever. I was “Team Jen” and I suppose that was the long game. I hope the tabs hit us with years of “Lonely Brad” even if he has one hottie after another and takes fabulous vacations ala Jen Aniston, the woman who has figured out how to work just hard…
Ocean’s 14: Divorced Dad Hangout
Makes sense, she can’t stay with someone for too long. Otherwise they start asking questions about how she never ages and needs permission to enter people’s homes.
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn. This is the exact kind of celebrity gossip that I need to balance out the horror that is this election year.
SAME!!! Oh and I got “if native americans were better, they would have won and we wouldn’t have taken over, they just couldn’t hack it.” or some such nonsense...
I got the rape/death threat combo. I deducted points for not calling me a whore first and/or adding any combination of stupid or “retarded” in his disjointed and misspelled bullshit.
Tried to explain the utter stupidity of this analogy to area Deplorables on Facebook, got a death threat. That really says it all.
Skittles 2016!
Fucking Joe Walsh, who wants credit for this? Skittles look like a paragon of statesmanship relative to these buttholes, honestly.
America: you have just two skittles to choose from, and one will DEFINITELY KILL YOU.
The thought crossed my mind, too. Not that she doesn’t deserve to have the book thrown at her and to spend the rest of her life in jail (my God, that video, she’s a fucking murderer), but it’s an interesting case study. Of course, there are relatively so few women who are cops that it would be hard to do an effective…
Am I the only one shocked but not really shocked that the one time we actually have a police chief decrying the shooting and saying justice will be served it’s when it was a female officer doing the shooting?
yeah I had a teacher when I was in middle school tell me I was never going to go anywhere and my grades were crap and I was crap. And that is nowhere near this far. And it’s still fucked up. I get that it’s kinda “shocking so funny” but not really because of how MANY terrible things she said.
See, I didn’t read it that way. I read it as he is a pedophile that also happens to be closeted gay. Not that one equals the other.
It’s the best, it’s also what I think I look like basically every night watching the news. The poodle is doing a pretty good impression of how my husband reacts.