

I am just glad that I am not alone in this. JESUS!

I have started to realy hate anyone who plans to vote for him too. If you can bring yourself to be complicit in this piece of shit becoming POTUS then you are are an awful human bring who is either monumentally stupid, a full blown racist and/or you have a deep and abiding hatred of women.


Each morning I awake hoping that this is the day when a gigantic, fiery maw opens up in the Earth and swallows Trump whole, and each night I fall asleep feeling increasingly disillusioned.

will you need a lot of therapy and benzos after that?

The scary part is that even after he (hopefully. Oh dear god please.) loses the election, he will slink away but we will still be living surrounded by the millions the racists, bigots and idiots emboldened by him.

You can never have too many Andy Borowitz columns.

Succinct and to the point. 10/10

My blood is boiling. So he questioned Obama’s place of birth for years as a racist ploy and now turns on his heels and says Obama was born in the US and it’s all Clinton’s fault. I am so sick and tired of his racism, his lies, so tired of him not denouncing the people who exhibit racism and antisemitism in his name,

I fucking hate this man.

Nope. It’s not just u. I freaked out talking to my dad. He’s 91. I started freaking out and screaming. We can’t live in this world! Everything’s gone to shit. He tried to calm me down but he said to me. “I have seen many things, dealt with racism in Mass all my life. Handled most of my family dying in war, or old age,

Oh, girrrrl! Don’t be breaking my heart like that! Get offa that horrible slimy Facebook and save your precious ass! It just isn’t worth it. This country is a self-cleaning cesspool; still fulla shit, but we abide.

This is what happens when the far right has made facts a political issue. Challenge trump on the facts and you’re biased.

I feel like that. I feel like that. I feel like that. I feel like that all the time.

I find that marijuana helps on all counts. It blunts your attention to stray Fox noise, it removes your “oh, but maybe I need to keep this many assholes in my Facebook life” filters, and it makes ice cream taste like the best thing you’ve ever encountered since the dawn of Time.

I actually had a neurologist advise I stay off Facebook after I, among other things, wound up at the hospital with seizures. I have never, ever, been so stressed over an election, and it pisses me off to see Fallon making light over it. Some things just aren’t funny.

Or at least get him to cover the Zantac/Xanax bills

Every damn day. Every single damn day. I feel like we should all sue Donald for pain and suffering.

Back when I was convinced that this country would NEVER elect a loudmouth, stupid, clueless, stupid, racist, stupid, bloated, stupid, lying, stupid man, everything was fine.