
So fucking true. I am a professional musician, in both classical and jazz genres. Sometimes, I just don’t like a piece of music. I have three advanced degrees in music performance and theory and sometimes, I JUST DON’T LIKE IT and it rubs me the wrong way, it’s not fun to play or I don’t understand it. And that is


It’s a literary novel, comedic in nature, about music. HUGE market for that, right? ;)

I want to kiss her so badly. But she’d probably eat my face off.

fuck that looks good

I just finished the first draft of my debut novel (can I call it that even if it hasn’t debuted yet? Please?) on Sunday. I’ve been writing in my spare (ha) time the past two years. I celebrated with champagne and blueberry pie. Today, I started attacking the second draft. What I wouldn’t do for a happy ending like

There’s NO WAY this is even a remote possibility of happening, right? I mean, there’s NO FREAKING way he’ll win, right? RIGHT?

A million thank yous if this is a thread for complaining about MILs

Bingo. That’s what she eventually said to me: “I couldn’t nurse so do you have *any idea* how that made me feeeeeeeel seeing you nurse?? It was SO HARD for me!” (And coming from her, “couldn’t nurse” meant she wasn’t comfortable with her body/comfortable with babies, it didn’t mean she wasn’t physically able to

I looooved nursing tanks—I was more self-conscious about people seeing my postpartum squish than I was about them seeing my boobs. The tanks kept everything covered, comfortable and made using anywhere super easy. And I nursed everywhere! You have to, when you’re out and about in the world with hungry babies. I never

Me neither. I was so shocked by her reaction. She never got over it. Four breastfed Grandkids later....

My Mother-in-Law acted like I was whipping out a dildo and going to town whenever I nursed, it was so fucking awful. My husband tried to repeatedly talk to her, she said she just wasn’t comfortable since she didn’t nurse her kids and could I just not understand HOW THAT MADE HER FEEL??

God, I love this!!!! I have 4 kids, trying to get in shape, it’s really hard *for me* because I don’t love to sweat. I’m a musician and on a day when I was in a class and everyone was doing burpees and I was whimpering through them—clearly the worst of the whole class—inside of my head I was asking, “yeah,

I feel the same way about Lake Michigan. Why can’t we have a giant lake monster, too??

Also: De Niro said his wife believes their son, who has autism, “changed overnight” after being vaccinated. “I don’t remember.”

It’s what I think of when I hear his name....synonymous.

Omg so do I! Hence, the Kennedy Family biographies that I have been inhaling these past 2 weeks. Next up: the Vanderbilts!! I think I also enjoy reading about families that are worse off than mine: we fight like rich assholes without the bank accounts to back us up.

Someone on Jez (your fault! YOUR FAULT!) recommended a book about Rosemary Kennedy and then, I fell down the Kennedy biography hole. I’m on book #10 in the past 2 weeks alone. You’re so right: Money does reallllllllly weird things to families.

That recently happened to me in white jeans at Disney World so now that’s where my mind will go forever and ever, world without end, amen.

That lady could be my sister. She’s an antivaxxer who didn’t vaccinate her kid. She also “un-schools” him. She also didn’t want our dying Mom to have morphine provided by hospice care in her last days. She’s impossible.