
“Hi, I’m struggling to lose my squish.”

FOR REAL and.... NO BACK FAT?!?!?!?!

Thank you! Just ordered it —Kindle edition only $2.99! I’m ashamed to admit this, but I’m looking forward to reading about a family that is crazier than mine. (Perhaps.)

i thought I knew a lot about the Kennedy’s—how did I not know this part! Ohhh man, religion will really fuck you up. (Said from a Catholic about Catholics, so I know of what I speak.)

The fuck??? I never knew this.

I’ve not heard of that! I’m in the middle of The Noonday Demon and it’s so good but I need something lighter and fluffier to balance it out.

Thank you! Will totally check them out.

I did read that! It was very good.

Yes I’ve read She’s Come Undone but a while ago and I can barely remember it. That’s the problem with binge reading;) Seeking Carolina sounds like the most perfect form of escapism which is what I’m seeking! Thank youuuu!

I liked it too and I TOTALLY need some more “Beach Reading For Smart People” recommendations—you got any?? I just came off a spell of reading 3 meh books this past week and I need a good one to get the taste out of my mouth.

Yeah, yeah, I get that— I guess such boring writing makes me cranky. Really just bad writing.

My only regret in life was that I didn’t do this!

Cursed how? There are no details. Just saying, “people think it’s cursed” isn’t really much of a story now, is it?

Thanks, doll :)

Barf. I know Willow Creek Church. The people I know from there are all very “nice” as long as you are exactly—EXACTLY—like them. This reminds me of Shauna Niequist, also from Willow Creek. I dare you to read one of her books without throwing it across the room. This essay is exactly like her writing: shallow and full

I came across a local child abuse story yesterday (I will not tell you the details because I love and care about you all) that was so fucking awful, so inconceivable, that I felt reallllly bad but I had to tell my husband, like, “I’m so sorry I’m telling you this because I wish I myself didn’t know, but I’m handing

This is my 13-year old son’s basketball coach and I want to kick him in the balls.

I just don’t feel strong enough to handle this tonight. My kindle is fully charged and back to “In A Dark, Dark Wood” I go. It’s less scary in there than it is out here.

She sounds like the worst kind of Mom, the ones I hide from when I see them coming towards me in Trader Joe’s in their tennis skirts, the kind that make me want to run away and live in the woods.

For real, he can’t have done this sober; he must be using again.