
Are you sure??? I’m scared. Can you keep whispering these comforting words while holding me, rocking me and rubbing my back??

Good Lord, when you spell it out like that...

He is Anne Hathaway.

Beautifully explained.

I wonder if any of them have ever actually seen someone have an allergic reaction? I will never unsee my son going into anaphylactic shock for the rest of my life.

OK, very naive question here, please be gentle with me:

Her look is so so so so Mean Girl that I can’t even get past it to see any of the fashion. (“What are you wearing?” “MEAN GIRL!”)

He is not funny.

I felt so beautiful on my wedding day and I did NONE OF THIS CRAP. I looked happy and like myself, only with my hair combed and lipstick on. I really felt like a 10! She can go stuff it. She’s sad and she makes me sad.

As a violinist, I object to my beloved instrument being used in any way to comfort a Trump.

Same way I feel about this total asshole girl I know who does the same thing except about CrossFit. And her paleo diet. I love when I hear anyone rip CrossFit just because she is that huge of an asshole. Weird, right?

I still have flashbacks of being in a Bikram class and feeling like I was going to barf or faint, or both. Since you’re not everrrrr supposed to leave the rom I did as instructed and lay down on my mat in corpse pose. And then, the hairy man beast in a teeny speedo on the mat next to me started splashing his nasty

I can’t be around this Mom anymore or my skin starts to crawl. I used to be able to tolerate her—nay, be friends!—but now, I avoid her like she’s dripping with ebola. Up close, you can see the hypocrisy of what she’s preaching vs. how she’s raising kids; she’s a blathering idiot.

Really ironically hilarious if you think about in terms of parenting: “Nothing matters more than the life of a child! Well, not these already-born children, I can do and say whatever I want in front of them. These bloody fetus posters they’re holding are FINE!”

Can I use this opportunity to vent about an anti-abortion Mom in my town? Her own Mom is someone who protests outside of clinics and who’s license plate is “LIFE”. Anyway, this Mom has four boys (from elementary through teenagers) and every year, they ride in what I call the “Abortion Float” in our town’s Fourth of

We totally used to get huge snows in Illinois on the regular. My mean sister-in-law moved from here to DC and ever since she has put down our midwestern winters like she’s living in South Beach. Every time DC gets dumped on and we don’t, I laugh, laugh, laugh.

My very first thought seeing this picture: he has old man teeth.

That’s a very good hypothesis—you’re prob right.

It was pretty obviously a joke.

It wasn’t unreal at first to anyone who knew anything. I’ll never forget my Dad saying, while we were watching the low-speed Bronco chase, “He was accused of beating his wife several times, police were often called to their house.” And it’s not like my Dad had his finger on the pulse of the LA sports scene—it was in