Legend says that if you trick her into telling the truth, you become her new master.
Legend says that if you trick her into telling the truth, you become her new master.
Sounds perfectly reasonably to me. What your problem?
That’s rolling probable cause.
We all knew it was gonna be Florida, right?
Sufficiently advanced stupidity is indistinguishable from malice.
Uh no. Being a creative person is not easy, even if it looks easy. Just because someone is doing something cool that they love does not mean it is not work. I have a job I know a lot of people envy. But it doesn’t stop being hard work at all and it doesn’t stop things from being nerve-wracking PRECISELY because you…
I what-whated!? through Hereditary. Little girl was objectively repulsive so it was hard to mourn her passing, and then the end? More what-what!? I expected much more from Toni Collette. It didn’t scare me at all, and I’m a pansy.
OMG thank you for also finding the end of that movie ridiculous! I thought I was the only one :(
I had this bizarre moment in the last 10 minutes where I felt really happy that everything worked out for the coven. Like they really applied themselves and scored the demon genie. Good for those guys, they put in the effort.
I also thought it was funny that there was a whole coven of witches (or whatever) going on but…
Van Jones operates under the delusion that making these assholes look more sympathetic to liberals is going to result in great societal progress. How about interviewing a Trans person or Guatemalan asylum seeker and try humanizing them to mainstream America?
😍 You are such a peach!
Ha! I told her(she was black!!!!!) to get out. Many lapses in care /decorum( nurses kept pushing WIC papers that I never asked for and didn’t need on me, threatened to take my pain meds if I didn’t get out of the bathroom faster) at the hospital, that was the last straw, called my Dr.and tore him a new one , the next…
What the actual fuck??
“somehow a social worker still ended up in my room asking me if all of my kids had the same Father.”
It’s not just the stressors. We are treated as less than and ignored . I had to have my last baby at a teaching hospital because my preferred hospital was re-building their NICU and I had a “geriatric” pregnancy. I was married, working and had insurance in a semi-private room, somehow a social worker still ended up in…
It’s not just the stressors of racism, it’s the racist (passive/benevolent or not) fucking doctors and nurses that can’t be bothered, specifically to give a shit about Black, then poor people, that kill women and families in hospitals.
Exactly. It’s petty, but I fucking love that she did it.
Yeah, I don’t like the infantilization of Monica and women in general when it comes to stuff like this. She took active steps to seduce him (flashing her thong, etc.), and may have even premeditated the seduction (“I’m bringing my Presidential kneepads”).
Yeah, no. We have all been 22 at some point in our lives. I personally never dated, had sex, etc with any married man, my supervisor or not. We do have to take responsibility for our own actions. The sex was not a condition of Lewinsky’s (unpaid?) employment. She was not harassed or coerced into it. I do feel…