
My husband’s been on me a lot recently to walk the dog more in the evening (we have a huge yard where we play fetch and he gets morning walks, so don’t hate me, everyone) and one day I just snapped and was like: “I can’t! I can’t walk the dog in the evening, because it’s already getting dark, and if I walk him along

Regardless of the outcome, just running is a true act of bravery, given all the vitriol and outright threats being leveled at Democratic candidates and politicians right now. Thanks for throwing your hat in the ring. And good luck!

I was leaving a book launch around 8p last night. As I always do after dark, I called someone as I walked to my car in case I get attacked the person on the other end can call 911. Also? My husband didn’t answer his phone, so I just talked to his voicemail until I got to my car so that he could call 911 if I didn’t

Thank you for running.  Win or lose, you’re doing a service by giving people a choice. 

When my son was about 2.5 we were eating dinner and he was staring out the window that faces the woods behind our house.  I said “Hey, buddy, what are you looking at?”  “Da people in da woods, Dada”.  I could see nobody.

Lol I’m literally wasting all my time at work reading and replying to all these stories. I LIVE FOR THIS!

Thank you, that was lovely!!

I think this is a good example of what they are talking about. I am sorry that you were in an abusive relationship but what exactly does that have to do with the topic?

Medium creepy story, but very affecting part of my life...

There’s nothing unethical about demanding her microphone back and then lecturing him about acting like a child. Republicans are stocked full of these man children acting like buffoons and they need to be called on their shit.

You’ll never convince Republicans to vote for you, but you might fire up your base if you fight back. People would rather have somebody who is going to fight for them than a nice lady who is going to flop in front of the refs and try to draw a foul.

Democrats everywhere need to fucking grow a pair. The shit we’re fighting for benefits EVERYONE. Living wages. Medicare for all. Affordable (or preferably free) Higher Education. Criminal Justice reform. Fuck playing nice, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY let’s get this shit done

It was disappointing to be on the receiving end of such disrespectful behavior from my current representative, but ultimately I’m focused on my campaign

he is extremely adorable <3

LOL. Your partner is adorable.

I hope to god that paranormal stories outweigh the creeps/psychos/stalker stuff, this year. And I’m flagging posts along the lines of “Trump is Prez”/ Kavanaugh is on the SCOTUS”. We *know*. Save it for another post.

I should also mention that the only really scary thing that’s ever happened to me happened when I was visiting his vacation home in Florida. For a few nights, we woke up to loud knocking from the bathroom around 3 a.m. (DEMON TIME) It was very clear, so we took turns seeing if the shutter was knocking or anything. The

You’d have to know him to be freaked out by this story (because this is all Google-able) but here it goes. My brother is a small town businessman. He doesn’t need the computer very often for work, so he doesn’t waste his life away on the internet, like his punk sister. He has always, however, seen ghosts. He is

Probably Wagner. But only the easy parts. Ride of the Valkyries, mostly.