
Even more than that, call/text/email folks you know in Texas, TN, and anywhere there is a close race, and hound them until they register to vote (the deadline is tomorrow in Texas), and then hound them to actually vote in November (or early voting).

You’re not missing anything. It was poorly written.

I’m a Tennessean and we really need all the help we can get, so I’m pretty thankful for Taylor Swift speaking up. Marsha Blackburn is a fucking scourge and deserves the guillotine, honestly. 

Especially in this highly charged atmosphere. A post like this is guaranteed to result in threats. This took guts. 

Guys seriously, can we just for ONCE, give props to Taylor when she does something right? You don’t have to crown her Queen of Jezebel, but legit, this was a good thing she did. Today I’m thinking of all her LBGT fans who must be feeling real fucking awesome about their fave sticking up for them politically in this

I swear.  Taylor does what y’all beg her to do and then you still find a way to shit on her for it.  Either you want her to speak up politically or you don’t. Pick one. 

If your son sexually attacked a woman, maybe his life deserved to be ruined, auntie.

I haven’t stopped drinking to that.

Implant. Transplant suggest replacement. Cannot replace that which never was.

I’ve got Bailey’s, hot chocolate, woolly socks and a trashy novel.

I had a guy ask me if I had any tattoos and when I drew out the simple one I had on a napkin, he got super quiet and told me that my tattoo was a design he had written about in a story years ago and that because I had it, I was the Chosen One.

That is awful. Way to make everything about you, dude.

I actually think it’s a good picture to submit.  She looks wholesome and cute.  Avenatti has handled a lot of cases and he knows how juries think. 

This is discussed over on the Splinter thread, but just for anyone who didn’t see it:

Her statement is hard to read, and, importantly, incredibly specific and damning. She mentions other witnesses willing to speak, she’s worked in the government for years and holds multiple security clearances, and she submitted a sworn affidavit.

How relevant is his high school year book? Well, not at all. Unless, you know, he himself claimed his high school calendar was concrete evidence...

Bitch.... Michelle O accomplished more in her life BEFORE she became first lady than you and your whole tornado bait trailer trash family have ever even read about. Double Ivy League Graduate. Lawyer. Hospital Administrator. Mother. Go getter. Accomplisher of many things, not the least of which is to be married to a

Now the letter makes sense. 

Hee hee hee. Oh, what a glorious time we do live in. 

I actually gasped. Well done!