
I can’t help but think he is talking about how important men are (two parent households) because it means how important *he* is. I mean, my husband and the father of my kids is irreplaceable and the absolute best, I am not dissing the importance of fathers. It just feels like such a...narcissistic way to frame things.

Oh, fuck her. 

A high school friend “made it big” in Hollywood (lots of supporting role movie credits, writing, even directing) and....recently did a go fund me account to help pay his bills. We were well into our 30's at this point. 

I absolutely love your honesty and would totally join you in this PMS bacchanalia.

Totally. And it’s super lazy screenwriting and story-telling if you have to go back and read the deeper and fuller explanations in the book in order to figure out the screen version. That means it simply did. not. work.

Done and done!

I like the way you think :)

Thank you so much for saying that. Yes, you get it. I was sheltered from these type of men and assumed all progressives were like the men I knew. Yeah, I hear how naive that is now. But truly, it’s been the absolute, number  one shocking thing about this campaign. The sexism and mysogyny within the Dems. 

I am the female candidate. Some Dem men, especially the ones who have been in control of the party, are still not used to women having ambitions and running. It is astounding. 

Thank you for saying that, Blue Pen

Thanks, CJ

Thank you, Darwin!

It really is shocking. And the way women will look right over your head to...the mediocre white man standing behind you. The conditioning is real.

Thank you SadieMae xo

Thank you. The thing is, I do not need this! I have a very full, rewarding (professionally and personally), kid-filled life. But this needs doing and no one else had stepped up and NO WAY was I going to leave an empty spot on the ballot. I thought my challenges would be with the repub machine I’m running against (and

I keep saying to my husband, our memories are long and they will be detailed! Friends of mine told me to talk into a voice memo app on my phone while I’m out and about because I do not have the time to be journaling all this, but I need to keep good records. I think that is great idea. The stuff I’m seeing and

The harassment I am experiencing on the campaign trail is astounding to me.

Right???? It’s almost like, some people didn’t read the book!

Are you sure? It is grim reading. GRIM.

Well, I can vouch for that as my truly lovely husband once said, completely non-ironically, “Mahler’s pregnancies are really hard on me.” The best part was we were having dinner with his college friends, and his friend said, “whoa, dude, stop talking, and never say that again— are you tired of living or something??”