Jean Mahfouz

The wrong people keep dying.

The best part is always when they say “The network will never put that one on the air.” Except you just heard the joke, so clearly they did.

Let me clarify. I’m furious with Biden over a number of issues. I served in OEF and believed we were doing good in Afghanistan and I literally cried watching the same transport aircraft that I operated dropping Afghans so desperate they clung to the outside of those planes. As horrible as that was I cannot tolerate

I get it. We're boxed in.

The bastard would probably find some way to turn the tub into a tax write-off.

To add to this:

He’s growing a Johnny Depp (barber-speak for bloated face lightly dusted with haphazardly placed pubes)

No one has said they support sexual violence committed against Israeli women from the October 7 attacks. No one! You are literally gaslighting.

I’m sure it’s the music and the neon but I’m getting vibes of Nicolas Winding Refn’s Drive from the trailer. I mean that as a compliment.

“Hey, techbros cosplaying as movie and TV producers: can we have another season of William Gibson’s The Peripheral, please?”

If you’re a director, and chairs are enough to make your team lose focus on the set, you have failed as the leader of that group. Days on set are long. Chairs are humane. Stop being a weirdo or worse an overbearing asshat under the guise of “your process.” Get some damn chairs.

Echo’d here. There were the glory days, and there were the recent days, and they weren’t the same time period sadly. Understandable when your corporate overlords really want you to just die already.

Good. One less live service money pit to watch die a slow death. I’m glad that they could acknowledge that this was going to hurt their bread and butter single player games and made the right call.

I thought his arc was about how he changes a small town for the better and, shockingly, the small town changes him, too.

Well, that kind of explains it? I thought like, all of Gibson’s breakdown happened at the same time around then. I guess I just didn’t remember that there was a gap between incidents.

I would definitely lick a nice butthole than support Trump.

Of course, the real reason he left the show is actually well-known by now: the director of the first filming bloc for Series 1 (Keith Boak) was massively out of his depth, agreed to an insane shooting schedule he couldn’t keep to (Boak was best-known for working on soap opera EastEnders, shooting 25 minute episodes in

Damn, that was in 2010?  Feels like much longer ago.  Damn I’m getting old

It all depends on what your baseline expectation is for this kind of event and how quickly those goalposts are moved. Of course it beats having your plane nosedive into the Atlantic, but that’s a pretty low bar to set. Presumably, someone is responsible for the plane’s failure. That someone is definitely not among the
