If it keeps up it’ll get better as there won’t be anything left to burn.
If it keeps up it’ll get better as there won’t be anything left to burn.
I guess you must not be a B-tier actor because that’s a fucking shitty opinion right there, wanker.
I don’t see how it’s controversial to say that there are tragic civilian casualties on both sides of this conflict while acknowledging that neither Hamas nor Israel’s extremist, totalitarian government are the good guys.
The boomer conservative Americans - like Proggy up there - are in no way to equipped to recognise colonialism, mostly retreating to the ol’ tradcon American Exceptionalist myth of “America does not engage in colonialism; therefore any foreign ventures on America’s part is in no way colonialist.”
Money DOES create happiness... it does, and anyone who says it doesn’t was either never rich or never poor.
There’s gotta be some decent overlap, though.
You know I wrote a few responses to this but none are gonna mean anything to you so I’ll just take a lesson from another poster here and go with
Criticism of Israel is not anti-semitism.
Musk is in serious competition with Trump for worst fanbase. I mean, they’re not storming the Capitol but I doubt they could organize anything that sophisticated anyway.
Western media (and the rich people who own media companies) also has a vested interest in the resource rich Middle East that doesn’t wholly jive with supporting Muslim majority countries, by and large.
Israel props up two terrorist groups, Hamas and the IDF.
They were being paid. Nobody’s obligated to pretend their vaguely demeaning but well-paid job is cool and fun.
Your username is appropriate because all you post is lines of nonsense gibberish only superficially resembling anything of substance
You are a whole new level of stupid. First of all, there’s two articles there, champ. And secondly, your reading comprehension is completely non-existent. The “hard left” is hilarious too. Tell me more about this place you’ve never even been near and know absolutely nothing about. Stick to video games and molesting…
The majority of people in America support at least a ceasefire, even when the question is heavily loaded against it. Even a majority of Republicans. Somehow.
Being against Benjamin Netanyahu, Likud, the IDF, and the Israeli government is neither a hot take nor anti-semitic.
The entirety of Israel sits on occupied Palestinian land.
JFC I wish Americans would just shut the fuck up. You don’t know shit about how your own country functions let alone anything at all about the rest of the world. They literally delivered suitcases full of cash to them. Even the Zionist news outlets have reported on this.
Blah blah blah
Eh, they treated the material with all the respect it deserves.