
I think it’s from The Onion. However if it actually existed I woudn’t be shocked.

I think she was going for the “Countess-Luann-at-a-Halloween-party” look.

OK, but what is going on with THE STOLEN CHAIR and the videotapes?! I’ve been on edge all morning!

Just say Detox.

No, not AS young. Between 3-5, as far as I can remember.

Yes, Bachelor Jason Mesnick and Bachelorette Emily Maynard off the top of my head. 

I thought he said “your mom may have had a poster of me.

Excellent! Maybe a dirt sandwich will start following you too!

Believe they were referring to Wallis.

I hope no one does the Prancercize lady in the white leggings dirty like that.

I think it’s because no one was surprised about that.

I thought so too, but according to Newsday she donated $2700 to Clinton’s campaign (as did Bethenny)

Don’t you mean “SATCHELS OF GOLD?!”