
Didn't Scott Pilgrim end up with the wrong girl at the end?

I thought it was a solid B- season, maybe even B. Only the first season was really worth it.

I feel old. I saw a projected movie on an airplane in 2003. To me, that is not that long ago. To you, that must be an eternity. Did you really not know they've pretty much always shown in-flight movies? Sigh.

Is Politically Correct really the only show to make an upwards network move? I'm stunned, but can't think of another off the top of my head. Can anyone else?

Love this director. Hated this movie, though. Easily his worst. Super disappointing for me.

I thought it was a great show. His comparison of starting a new tv show to going on a first date was great. "My friend says you're nice….and I'm free tonight!"

Was that definitely their parents at the end? I thought, in the books, they were definitely dead. We keep having little glimmers of hope throughout, but they do learn that they died in the fire, don't they?

I lived in China in 2005 and I have this on DVD. It's in my basement right now.

London Has Fallen has the least finished special effects I've seen in a major movie in a long, long time. The helicopters are not finished CG. Just terrible. An incomplete movie.

Not even UHF? That is what I remember him from.

I know that at one point, Blow had a more story driven game that gradually built to a climax in the mountain. I wish he'd kept that, but I still found this to be the game of the year. I solved a huge amount of puzzles(all laser beams, many bonuses, and the final puzzles in the mountain) without a guide. It was a

And it is awesome that there are new stories voiced by all original actors, including Harrison Ford adding new lines to Harrison Ford. Awesome game.

Peter Stormare as Satan in the underrated Constantine.

Add Constantine. Announce that they have added Constantine.

Worst digital effects I've seen in a finished movie in over a decade. The explosions and the helicopters all looked animated. I can not help but feel bad for the crew. Clearly, the studio got cheap in post-production.

Snape plalyed by Alan Rickman

What ads?

John Henson was the best!

My exact thoughts. I will now lose all touch with what crap TV is on.
