
Even Han Solo's death will not bring this down!

You win.

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."

Wanted to be a Stooge or wanted to be a Marx brother?

In a perfect world, Jon Oliver would have stayed until now and gotten it. If not him, Larry Wilmore could have gotten it, but they have already given him another show.

I used to watch this when they aired the recording of it on Disney channel. This was in the 1980's and I was a kid.

Someone has to find the clip of Larry Bud Melman handing out jeans to immigrants. Letterman, who rarely cracks, thought it was so funny even he was dying of laughter watching it.

In Bruges should be number 1.

I don't think Empire and Jedi count as his own intellectual property since he did not write the scripts or direct them.

I love stories like this.

Best music for a show Bear Mcreary has done since Battlestar.

I bow to it.

Great choice. I prefer Mo Rocca, but I doubt he is interested.

Kiss played Tiger Stadium on June 28, 1996. Alice in Chains opened and were the only reason I was interested.

I would not have known that was a Borat joke without Netflix's subtitles to tell me so.

Best theme song to a show in years.

No spoilers at all, but I was a bit disappointed in series 2. Still a great show with amazing acting. David Tenant should win an Emmy for this one.

Well, he made Intolerance as a response to the intolerance of his views.

Ouch. Blackadder is a go to 30 minute show for us when we need something. Love it.