But does all the cash from this system only benefit the executives above or the developers of the game who worked their asses off for it too?
What about the added cost of adding the 3D tech to the game for the 3DS?
How to enter the choco-mog festival?
No love for the 3DS besides a single Metroid game? No new Zelda? :’(
I kinda liked the original one. It had more immersion. You felt like you were in Noctis’s shoes. You had a huge burden to carry(the ring) and thus were walking slowly. You were depressed about everything that happened upto that point. Everything seemed empty and endless. I think it conveyed all those feelings…
But if I heard correctly, Lady Layton is actually searching for her father in this game.
Well, I already got a PS4 which I am thinking of selling to build a PC. Can you make a good enough one that can beat the pro or scorpio for around 500-600$? And how often do you have to upgrade it? How many years will it last me compared to a console? And is it hard to maintain?
Really? So I should ditch buying a Pro or a Scorpio and go for a PC then?
Why the heck are they rebooting that?
The hatred people feel for this game and the constant nonsensical blame on Nomura just goes to show why the FF franchise is in decline nowadays.I guess hating on FF has the become the next cool thing.
Dude, to be very honest, i think it was delayed solely for the purpose of optimization and bug fixing. Mr. Hajime Tabata(May God bless him) has always been honest and open about FF XV’s development and you can clearly see that he’s speaking honestly in his delay video. I wouldn’t expect that guy to just lie to people…
I so would like to see a conference of these legendary old game designers someday about how they used to work in the old days and how they came up with their ideas along with their struggles and failures and their hopes and dreams.
But he made FF VII!
Are there any demographics to prove that though?
Really? I kind of find that hard to believe. IMO, Most people who own a console right now must have had to decide between getting a console or a PC in the beginning and seeing that mods are one of the significant advantages of PC gaming, they must have heard about them in some form at that point in time.
I don’t mean to offend you but your office colleagues are all casuals. xD
is this only for people who have 4k tvs? so people without them wont be able to get any graphical improvement? and also,does this thing have increased frame rates?