Bless you for posting this.
Bless you for posting this.
We are now at 48 hrs and wrong image.
Wow. 24 hrs later and image of wrong Kia still not updated.
Manwich is right. AT BEST you break even. In reality, snow tires provide greatly reduced gas mileage. For my car it’s a good 2-4 mpg. Add that to the cost of winter tire ownership and breaking even is not going to happen.
I’ve done the snow tire thingy for a few years now. Bought highly rated tires and their own wheels. I’m extremely underwhelmed in their utility.
Except to a few folks who fell in love with the quirks of these cars, there’s no reason whatsoever for this company to exist anymore, since they serve virtually no one’s requirements. Other than arguable cuteness, they provide nothing compelling. There is ALWAYS a better alternative from some other manufacturer.…
Ha! You just brought a little more joy into the world.
I could not stand the outgoing Ranger’s looks. It was plain and weirdly shaped, since it was based on the global market’s needs for narrower vehicles to fit in much of the world’s narrower streets/roads. Narrow and tall did not look good.
This is an even better comment if read outloud in a Bulgarian or Russian accent.
Apropos everything jalopnik except this article:
Honestly, Cadillac’s whole history is littered with shit names.
What is the USDOT regulation number specifying ugly wheels on electric vehicles?
Why did I have to scroll through 60 “they deserve it” dipshit posts to finally find one that points out the obvious. This is a punitive shit design that needs to be reworked immediately. Make that a decade ago.
This needs to be in the slideshow.
An extra $2 electronic module that is available at a higher trim, for which you’ll pay just $5400 extra.