
She deserves an Oscar for VPR. The editors deserve Emmys. Season 2 should be in the Library of Congress. Sexy Unique Restaurant forever.

Thank you, Amy, for wearing normal fucking clothes to the gym. Remember when you used to just wear, like, pants or shorts and a sweaty t? Not an ensemble?

There has never been a photograph of Selena Gomez in which she wasn’t either impossibly cute or drop-dead gorgeous.

Stefano Gabbana called Selena Gomez “so ugly” and no one thinks he’s cute. [Us Weekly]

Also, Clooney divorced in 1993 and stayed single for over 20 years. If a woman did that, her narrative would have been much different.

Exactly. George Clooney was 53 when he got married, and nobody considered him to be sad or desperate when he did. Tom Cruise and Robert Downey Jr are in their 50s and they’re still bankable action stars.

Do keep in mind that plenty of men stay single in their 40s and heavy on the party scene in reality and in movies and television and they’re considered heros who don’t die at the end. Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson made plenty of movies with that story arc. I can assure you, no one ever thought that the only direction

Yeah— “It was a joke, I just wanted to draw attention to your big boobs in front of everybody in class” REALLY doesn’t hold any water.


And I mean, this movie was made in 1995. Come on.

I mean ‘had a successful and lucrative’ career he should still have a successful career his career took a hit because of his going public with his abuse. He was assaulted, suffers from severe depression, and has had to under go multiple surgeries because of the toll doing stunts took on his body. A successful career

This is the bullshit of abusers and racists: to say it’s a ‘joke’ to escape criticism of ugly assed behavior.

It’s funny that none of the #metoo bigwigs feels the need to comment on this and no one seems to care that Berk remains a member of HFPA, but Morgan Freeman got dropped by multiple companies hours after a pretty sketchy story about his alleged sexual misconduct appeared. Groping a man, - no biggie, a man making

Team EncinoMan!

Even if it was a joke, I’m not sure why the victim has to attest to that. How would he know what the assaulter was thinking?

If you read the above story he was sexually assaulted.

Who the hell cares if it was “intended as a joke.” How many little jerks snapped my bra, slapped my ass or honked my breast because they thought it would be funny? That they were joking and didn’t mean ill? Intention doesn’t matter when the violation of your bodily autonomy is breached. Fuck them.

“ was intended to be taken as a joke and not as a sexual advance.”

Good to know— if someone gropes me to make a joke, or if a guy is sexually assaulted in a locker room as part of a hazing activity, or if someone pulls up a girl’s skirt in public, it’s cool since it’s not an intended sexual advance.

“Way harsh, Tai” is a line from the movie Clueless.