
“Apologies” like this one remove any doubt in my mind that the speaker is a serial harasser. They always sound so entitled, self-righteous, and devoid of empathy—the same traits that give rise to harassing behavior.

Does anyone else feel very emotional about this, even if they’re not Irish? Spent last night reading the #repealthe8th feed and crying. So happy that it looks like the right side won (for once).

I thought this was going to be clip from a film or satirical TV show, but there never ceases to be a new nadir.

I can’t state enough how good this show is and how at the heart of it is everything America needs in this moment. They tackle race, sexuality, and the division we have in America with such respect and grace. If we could only have the conversations they have every episode and gain some better understanding of each

It must be scary as hell to step forward, knowing all the vile BS that is going to come your way, but it is critically important and I have such immense respect for the courage of the women who do so, in all industries.

AGREED. He got a little screen time with the preacher guy with 6 billion kids and 2 hours of sleep (why) based on their shared experience with the Church. More of that please.

He does the MOST work and it’s like he doesn’t exist in this write up! Give Bobby a break!


Can sweet Bobby get slightly more screen time? Guy is HUSTLING behind the scenes while the other four get prime time with the participant they’re working on. Bobby is underrated.

Jesus Fucking Christ is anyone out there actually a half-way decent human being?

Exactly! His whole character has ALWAYS been on the sidelines and not integrated well into the cast. There is no need for him. They can reference him and have it work.

You know the part that’s the stupidest? Of all the shows in all the land, can you think of one that would make it easier to write out a major character? They could have fired Tambor, had a stand-in and done a running gag where you only saw him from behind. Or he was suddenly played by a different actor like Bewitched

Alia Shawkat, a younger actor with less clout than Bateman was able to speak the truth in that same room when she said that behavior wasn’t acceptable.*

I’m sorry to hear that. Have you tried apologizing yet?

Jeffrey Tambor is 73 FUCKING YEARS OLD! How much more damn time does he need in order to learn/grow into a person who behaves in a respectful and professional manner?

Not for nothing, but he didn’t tag her in the Tweet, so he didn’t actually hit her up. I took his statement to mean he didn’t know it would blow up so he didn’t think she’d see it.


I apologize on twitter all the time. I don’t have any followers, so mostly I’m apologizing to myself. I don’t really find the apologies that sincere, so I don’t bother responding when I do it. It’s gotten really awkward with myself lately.

ariana grande seems like a class act tbh.