But at 18, Brad Pitt wasn’t in Hollywood.
But at 18, Brad Pitt wasn’t in Hollywood.
Too young, and not even around for some of the time frame. His first acting roles (per IMDB) weren’t even until 1987.
I wear them around my house. They reduce the back pain that I get when I stand too long (like when cooking or cleaning) better than most affordable shoes can. But they don’t go farther than the mailbox/trashcans. If I’m leaving the yard—or even planning to stay out for more than five minutes—I put on different shoes.
No. I mean, I had my share of “sassy shit-talking teachers” but when you direct the shit-talk AT the student it is never, ever appropriate.
The article says she moved into a “senior apartment,” which generally gives the residents a lot more independence and freedom of choice than a nursing home does, so there’s still a chance she could do most of those things.
I’ve said several times in this thread, so I don’t mind—the early 70s.
Oh, I’m 100% aware this guy was awful. My mother was aware of it too, but for some reason she wasn’t able to get another doctor. (My father remembers that she tried and couldn’t find someone else, but not why she couldn’t.)
Yep! Under 5 pounds is considered low birth weight. It was considered low birth weight in the 1970s when I was born, too. I was actually just over 5 pounds, but this doctor was a complete nutjob in many ways. But I think he was the only ob/gyn who took my parents’ insurance, or something like that?
When my mother was pregnant with me, apparently for her third trimester her doctor wanted her to eat only fruit because he wanted me to be under 5 lbs when I was born (Yes, he was awful, but he was for some reason her only option). She tried her best, but after a few days changed to “mostly fruit, but salad and lean…
“Many of the other teachers.” I hate it when I edit a sentence and then make it incorrect, especially when I catch it too late to fix it.
Except that in a lot of schools, the fact that her parents had a problem with the teacher will, in fact, mean that many the other teachers have it in for Taraji. I’ve been a teacher, and I’ve been a student, and I’ve seen that behavior more than once.
I am pretty sure I would hate manually removing the hair more than I hate sweeping or vacuuming, and I have a heavy-duty vacuum on my wishlist (hoping someone will give it to us for Christmas/housewarming, as our parents tend to give us reasonably expensive practical gifts; otherwise we’ll save up for it). But it…
Oh, that is a disappointment. We have both cats and rabbits, and one of each is a complete shed-monster (the others are just normal hair factories), and I was hoping that eventually getting a Roomba would help. Damn.
Yes. I have effortless hair that takes me less than a minute. It is a 1/8" buzz cut.
Netflix loves to do that! I always get recommendations that I might like the show that I just finished watching 5+ seasons of. I mean, they’re not wrong, but....
My school was literally desegregated the year before I started kindergarten. And it was forced to (not even in a “okay, desegregation is the law now,” but in the “you, specifically, will be desegregating in this specific manner”) , which is why there were such strict rules about an integrated staff. Because otherwise,…
You really don’t understand YouTube, do you?
They linked to a YouTube video. If your friend didn’t post it to YouTube, she should address her complaints to the person who did.
When I was in elementary school, exactly half my teachers were black. It was the 70s, in rural Georgia, and the school system was forced (by the state, I think) to set things up so that you had two teachers (they split up the subjects—one taught reading/spelling/language, and one math/science/social studies), one…
I lasted six, but ONLY because between my first and my second teaching jobs, I worked elsewhere for a while. That doesn’t count as one of the six years, but it did let me recharge a bit. It was soul-destroying in DIFFERENT ways.