Maggie Pye

Same principle as a sofa bed, though. And I have had multiple one-room (or two-room, but one was the kitchen) apartments where I had to move furniture around every night to accommodate the sofa bed. Granted, it was usually just the coffee table.

The TinTin books are in the nonfiction/adult/cultural anthropology sections of almost any library you can think of.

Pizza-ghetti is a big thing here: a personal-sized pizza with cheese (and sometimes other stuff), then with spaghetti marinara on top. I am too American and just can’t. I pay the extra buck to have them separated on my plate.

Also, women in the military are generally not allowed to have long hair.

Tamir Rice was twelve. Playing. In a park.

I hate how that “bad apple” description gets used, because it completely misses the point of the damn figure of speech to begin with.

You’re right, that’s the situation. Because in that situation, there is an active shooter. There is somebody walking around with one or more guns, who has been shooting people, and the police don’t necessarily know who this shooter is/what they look like. So telling you not to make sudden moves, because the police are

I personally think the fact that the police keep murdering black people, especially black men, is the issue to focus on. It’s not magnanimity. It’s the fact that bringing up anything at all about his background is derailing the conversation, which should be about what just happened, and why it’s wrong no matter who

And as someone else who is a sexual assault survivor, it makes no difference at all to me. He wasn’t committing an assault when he was murdered.

I don’t remember at all—the street where I grew up had no hydrants (I have NO idea what happened if there had been a fire, but there weren’t any hydrants), so I don’t recall what they did for the bicentennial.

If she was part-time at all, that may have affected her seniority. I worked at a place where NONE of your time as a part-timer counted toward seniority (so if you worked there for ten years part-time, and then went full-time, you were at the bottom of the seniority list, behind the full-time person who was only hired

Or eat the granola bar, if you really want to. Just acknowledge that it’s basically candy. (I would rather eat a granola bar than most candy bars, to be honest. I really like granola.)

It’s definitely something that has existed in the past. I had one when I was a little kid, and I thought it was the BEST THING EVER. (Note: I was a little kid in 1976. EVERYTHING had a flag on it.)

I used to believe that, about the old bigots.

I don’t know what they’re advising now—we’re childless, and any kids we have in the future will be foster/adopted and therefore not breastfed by either of us. My SiL gets her information from her doctor, and unless it sounds dangerous, I’m not arguing with it. She gets enough of that from her mother/her boyfriend’s

I actually don’t give her unasked-for parenting advice unless (and this has never happened) she’s doing something that would be dangerous to her child, which “feeding him preserved breast milk [and, at this age, also some baby food] for one or two feedings” isn’t.

I don’t have a kid. If I did, I would not be breastfeeding, and neither would my wife. And I don’t interfere with my family and friends’ parenting decisions unless they seem dangerous to the kid, which pumping and dumping for a long enough period of time that the alcohol is out of my SiL’s system is not. So I’m not

Okay... my SIL has been told to pump and dump if she drinks, and feed the baby stored milk (from the freezer) if he needs it, but the pumping is just because if she goes too long past his regular feeding time, *she* gets uncomfortable. It’s not that she’s getting out the “tainted” milk, it’s that she needs to get the

Oozing sores? Tumor in the mouth? I’m guessing the dog isn’t happy. I mean, maybe these things can be treated and the dog will enjoy the last few years of its life, but at least at the moment, that is a miserable, sick dog.

Yeah. Blind is not a big issue. I had a cat that was all but blind (he could tell light/dark, and knew when something was moving right in front of him) for the last five years of his life, and he was 100% fine with that. But oozing sores? Tumor? (I get that the prize money will go to tumor surgery, but... still.) This