Maggie Pye

Yeah, I mentioned that option. But getting paper books shipped straight to me from will burn through the money faster, so if I go that route, I’ll have them shipped to my dad and either have him bring them if he visits again, or leave them in the house for me to read when I get there.

I know. It was awesome to see that $33 in my account. (Though I have to figure out what to do with it. I don’t get ebooks through any more since I now live in Canada. I’m going to wait and see what our move date is, and either buy paper books and let my dad ship them to me, or get ebooks when I move.)

Yes, a lot of people I know have cable (a very basic package) or an HD antenna—but don’t have computers. Or tablets. Because they don’t actually want or need them. They use the Internet on their phones because they don’t use it all that much, so they can use their phone’s data plan or free WiFi if they’re out

I don’t know Super Why (It’s possible that I do, but most of my kids-show watching in the past five years has been in French, so the name doesn’t ring a bell), but I have watched far too much of the others.

And pretty much everyone I know lets their kids under 12 watch live TV, even with ads, because most of the people I know only have internet access on their phones.

It’s cute how you think I’m upset.

Okay, then, imagine that you were actually doing stuff instead of bitching on the Internet that nobody does stuff.

I don’t even care if she dies. Release her, I don’t care, as long as she goes. (And since she’s based [loosely, at this point] on a real person who is still consulted for the show, it’s more likely IMO that they’d have her get out of prison and disappear, rather than kill her off.) I know she was the “Trojan Horse” to

Imagine if people were capable of enjoying a television show AND working for actual justice in the world.

It hasn’t been from the book since the first season (and even then, there was a lot that wasn’t in the book or that was changed from the book). Not even Piper’s storyline has been close to Piper Kerman’s experience for a long time.

It’s really not. I’ve been crocheting for 40 years, but I taught myself to knit last year, after believing all my life that it was too hard for me to learn, and it wasn’t that bad. (And I even have fine motor control issues. I can’t work well with little tiny needles, but I can’t work with tiny crochet hooks, either,

Yeah, I saw it there too. Since it’s the kind of thing I actively avoid, I wouldn’t have heard about it otherwise anyway. But not only was it in the previews, but there were a couple of things about it in the pre-show crap.

Yes. This is exactly how domestic abuse survivors are questioned.

I grew up in a similar situation, and there was no way to be interested in theater, period, without being around some gay dudes. As a tiny lesbian, I thought it was kind of awesome.

It doesn’t *quite* work that way in Canada (at least, not anywhere I shop) because they round to the nearest nickel, not the nearest dime. But all the cash registers are programmed to round if you pay cash. (Down if the number to the right of the decimal ends in 1, 2, 6, or 7; up if it ends in 3, 4, 8, or 9.)

Canadian businesses do it with no problem. The cash registers are generally programmed to do it. In most places, it works like this: .01 and .02 round down to .00, .03 and .04 round up to 0.05. Then .06 and .07 round down again, and .08 and .09 round up to .10. (If you’re paying cash, that is. If you’re using Interac

As others have said, not hard at all. My troop when I was a Girl Scout was very camping/hiking/wilderness oriented, and the troop my friends were in (they lived in the next small town over) did a lot of arts and crafts. (We did some. At Christmas and Mother’s Day, and then a few things that were camping-oriented, like

No, the wife isn’t just supposed to submit sexually to her husband so as not to prevent a pregnancy. She’s supposed to do it because he is The Boss of Her, and she was put on this earth to—in addition to bearing his children, cleaning his house, and cooking his food—fulfill his sexual needs.

It was definitely fast. But I’m sure of the time frame, because my dad told my mother he wanted a divorce the day after my college graduation in early June, and the divorce was, by a freak accident, final on their anniversary in late August. And I am sure of that, because my mother threw a motherfucking shitfit

In the US, it very much depends on what state you live in. When my parents divorced, it was about ten weeks from “I want a divorce,” to the divorce being final, and most of that was that there was a 60-day (I think) period between the papers being filed and the divorce being finalized. (They had about the simplest