Maggie Pye

Oh, he decided to wait till after he takes office to do that. Somebody probably told him to wait till after he’s sworn in when it’s too late to do anything.

Those Jade Helm FEMA trailers are looking good about now.

The tweets were to keep people from saying “hey, wasn’t he supposed to give that press conference today?”

Is anything ever actually said unless a man says it though, really?

Hillary Clinton literally brought up Russia hacking the DNC during a debate where she and Donald were on the same stage. Now he’s trying to say that no one said anything until after he won?

If there’s one Obama conspiracy I hope is true, it’s that he’ll declare martial law and try to claim a 3rd term.

Doubt it. CBS is branding itself as the white man’s last stand against the scourge of “political correctness.”

I recall that they already “flipped the script” in the sixties by turning the cast into animated cavemen.

She talked about it at every single rally. You know, the rallies that all the news networks showed in a tiny silent box in the corner while giving the full screen to the empty podium waiting for Trump in preparation for airing his rallies in their entirety with no commentary.

I read it somewhere, that being the adult in the room only works when you have the authority to punish the children for misbehaving.

Unfortunately you don’t know which case someone is until you’re past that time, looking back.

Yeah, I’ve kind of been done with fighting with my hands behind my back. I was actually hoping the Clinton campaign would have been more brutal than they already were if you could believe that. I thought the whole “let him hang himself” thing was going to work, but apparently it didn’t. I mean, it kind of did - she

GAVIN NEWSOM 2020! He has most of Bernie’s policies and a mug that can kill. hate to say it but DNC needs a JFK charisma moment after the 2016 shitstorm. I’m not going to be too idealistic and pure to say charm/looks might be what we will need to win over those shithead 53% of white women who voted trump. (PLUS he has

Forget too old. I’ll be damned if I’ll listen to them whitesplain and mansplain to me how we lost the election because we didn’t speak to needs of angry white men. You know, because Hillary totally didn’t have a multi-pronged and detailed jobs and infrastructure program as a central part of her platform or anything.

Well, no. Twitter obviously works to post longer thoughts. Look at the subject of this thread. You just don’t like when people use it that way.

If you don’t live in a city with a public transportation system, “manspreading” is probably not something you have to deal with. It’s the name given to the phenomenon where men sit with an unnecessarily wide stance on the bus or subway or train etc, thus taking up more than one seat.

Yeah, there is a weird conflation between annoying tweet formats and generally a dude having an opinion here. As a Jezebel reader, I actually follow Eric Garland on Facebook, and I think he just cross-posts things. But yeah, probably more effective to just tweet a link to the Facebook or blog post.

Well, in Garland’s case he dug quite a nice pool so I can’t really complain whether he used a trowel, a marrow spoon, or his bare hands.

1. Trying to gender a non-gendered trait/habit/thing is stupid. It’s not edgy, it’s not satirical, it’s just stupid.

Isn’t this called a tweetstorm...? What does being a man have to do with it?