Maggie Pye

She’s terrible. She is not worse than my ex’s bff “D” at our commitment ceremony. D brought her own ring for my ex because “I just knew Maggie would pick out some tacky cheap shit,” made fun of the guests to their face (including telling one of my dearest friends that if he was going to look all sick and gross, he

I wear shoes in the house. I have back and leg problems, and walking around barefoot (or in slippers) quickly leads to misery.

I live in Canada, and except in the winter, most of the people I know wear shoes inside.

This was nearly 30 years ago that I was a waitress (argh, I’m old). Most of my customers just wanted to drink their coffee and eat their greasy hash browns in peace. (I worked at a Denny’s, graveyard shift, in a dry county [so no post-bar crowd] but just off an interstate. Lots of truckers, lots of shift workers, lots

Yes. One reason why I was glad I never had to wait tables on Sunday afternoons (I came in at night). I still got a couple, usually after revival meetings, but not the way the Sunday lunch servers got them.

Definitely fillers.

My uncle was a butcher from the 1950s until about 2005. He used to say that back in the old days, you had to be careful, because if you bought “ground beef” from his supermarket chain, it was just that. It might not be GOOD cuts of beef, and there might be a lot of fat in it, but everything that got ground up came

I know it’s the law, and I’m glad, since it does make it easier for someone to find allergy information that might be harder to find because the allergen is in a derivative product. It still makes me shake my head when you read: “Ingredients: Almonds. Warning: contains almonds.” (This is on the packet of raw unsalted

At Red Lobster, I’m grateful for the reassurance, tbh.

“Carbon-neutral” would make much better sense than “carbon-free.” Not only because if there’s no carbon in it, it isn’t sugar, but also because there’s a big difference between “we didn’t use any X” and “we used X, but we put back at least as much as we used.”

So it’s just H22O11?

THANK YOU. (If you are one of those people who needs a calculator for everything, that’s fine—as long as you have a calculator and use it.)

No, beef ribs are ribs.

In my dad’s case, because he cut back on most meat (not chicken breasts or fish, but everything else) on his doctor’s orders, but didn’t really want to give up on it. (By “cut back” I mean “cut out, except on special occasions. If we go out to dinner for his birthday, he’ll get a steak, but otherwise, no.)

Up to and including chicken. (I have friends who feed their chickens most of their food scraps, including cooked chicken.)

Oh, I never felt that it *was* letting them walk over us—just pointing out that about the same number of teachers tried to help and were actively opposed to helping.

He has an earned doctorate as well.

You are brave. I have HAD a MRSA skin infection, and I wouldn’t GIS it.

In some jurisdictions (not sure about this one), choking is its own category because choking/attempted strangulation is a good predictor that domestic violence will be ramped up to murder/attempted murder (even if the choking was not, itself, an attempt at murder).

They’re not available any more. There were 10,000 bags, available for a minimum $10 donation to the It Gets Better Project, and they sold out rapidly.