Maggie Pye

There’s nothing wrong with drinking green tea. This is a green-tea-based “dieter’s tea” that contains other things than just tea.

This is not just green tea. This is a green tea-based “diet tea.”

MrsPye also points out that they find time in their schedule to harass black people who show up in predominantly-white neighbourhoods for such nefarious reasons as “they live there.” (Her stepmother and stepsister are black.)

That’s the thing. I don’t listen to this kid. I don’t listen to Madison Kimrey, either. They are 13, and they have a perfect right to have political opinions and voice them, but I tend to not seek out the opinions of random junior high school kids.

I had a couple of girls who skipped school because they had their periods. Not because it was “a thing,” but because their families couldn’t afford, or couldn’t afford enough, pads/tampons.

It also, for me, makes it very plausible that the school and the local police would try to intimidate the kid even though the “bomb” didn’t even look one bit like a bomb. Got to teach those uppity brown people a lesson about what we can do to their children if they don’t stay in their place. (That make me feel sick to

Yup! In our house, thanks to cooking, Unfuck Your Habitat, and MrsPye’s tendency to wander off with my shit and put it somewhere in her piles of junk I don’t touch because I think they’re alive, we have at least FOUR of them. But we’re white and have Christian-sounding names, so nobody would think they were bombs.

A digital “countdown clock” sounds to me like a digital timer. Available in the kitchen section of your local dollar store.

Even if it had been a countdown timer rather than a clock (like, you know, the ones I have all over my house thanks to Unfuck Your Habitat), the lack of explosives or a detonator would pretty clearly spell NOT A BOMB to anyone with half a brain.

Well, where I live in Canada, it’s because homeless people aren’t going to threaten and bully THEMSELVES, you know. (That seems to be the major occupation of the local police.)

Oh. Derrick is related to the guy at our supermarket last week. The one who loaded three entire carts full of Life cereal that was on a not-very-great sale, and then threatened to “beat the shit out of” the cashier who told him that he couldn’t buy all of it, pointing to the line in the ad that says “We reserve the


It was vegan butter. It might have been perfectly fine margarine, but it wasn’t butter.

And yet, mocking people for their appearance, including their dress, is not cool in my book. You do you. I’ll feel free to think you’re an asshole.

I used to walk through metal detectors daily (I worked at a prison) and yes, once or twice my bra set them off. (I have no idea why just THOSE days.) But they wanded me, and it was fine. (And while I worked at the prison, both the times my bra set the detectors off were very early in my time there, so it wasn’t a case

Oh yeah. I will be RIGHT THERE with the people who want to tear apart any religious (or other) group that harps on about “modest dress” and “not tempting men to sin” and all that other bullshit, but...seriously. Kim Davis’ appearance has nothing to do with anything. I hope she’s happy with the way she looks and

Yeah, the 2000 primaries were the last time that I felt like we could have a Republican president who wouldn’t actually be terrible. I wouldn’t agree with him, but I wouldn’t feel like he was working hard to make the country worse for 99% of the people in it. (Once McCain picked Palin as a running mate, I realized he

And even if she was just dressing like that because she wanted to... there is no harm in the way she dresses (there may be harm in her church’s requiring women to dress that way, her attitude toward people who don’t, etc., but there is no harm done JUST because she dresses very unfashionably).

Jeffrey! I loved that movie back in the 90s. I got rid of it when my last VHS player died, and I suspect I’d cringe at it now, but it was one of my favorites around 20 years ago.

Health-care workers are also required by law to keep confidentiality.