Maggie Pye

Newland, the accused, was a friend of the victim. From everything I’ve read about this case, she was a friend of the victim, as Gayle Newland, at the same time that she was posing as Kye Fortune. That makes it—to me at least—entirely different from a case where a trans man did not disclose that he was trans to a

But she wasn’t “consenting to the person.” She was consenting to have sex with Kye Fortune, “a shy Filipino-Latino cancer survivor,” not with her supposed friend, Gayle Newland. This isn’t someone freaking out because her boyfriend didn’t have a penis; this is someone freaking out because her boyfriend was an entirely

I know. I’m so sad that she decided to take the site down completely. :(

It sounds to me like a minor character in a Wodehouse novel. Like some random member of the Drones Club. “In the Drones Club, I met Oofy Prosser, Kipper Herring, and Noel Stradbook for a drink...”

Yeah, that was the in-period explanation for her leaving. I thought it was the wife’s sister, but I haven’t watched in a while (most of my DVD collection was inaccessible) and I couldn’t be 100% sure.

I LOVE Manor House. Really love it. And it made it obvious to me that as crappy as my life can be, in most ways, I have it damn good just because of when I was born.

I remember watching Manor House on PBS (it was originally a BBC program), where even in the “upstairs” family, the “spinster” sister had to leave the program because she could not handle how severely curtailed her life was, and how dependent she was on her brother-in-law (I think she was the wife’s sister, and I don’t

Yeah, if I had managed to live to my late teens (highly unlikely) I’d be dead anyway, because there would have been no antidepressants available, and I’d have gone through with my plans to commit suicide. (Much as my great-grandmother and great-great-grandmother BOTH did, because depression runs in my family in a very

That’s what I’d want to do: travel to a FICTIONAL historical time period. Because if you pick your fiction carefully, none of the unpleasant bits of history really make it in there.

I just said the same thing, more or less. And add in that we wouldn’t have had vaccines? If the strep (and staph) infections I had as a child didn’t kill me, the diptheria or polio would.

As near as I can tell, if I had been born even 30 years earlier, I wouldn’t have lived long enough to go to kindergarten. I spent too much time WAY too ill as a small child—if there had been fewer (or no) antibiotic options available, and if I hadn’t been vaccinated against a number of serious diseases, there’s no way

The article says that the water bottle she used was the bottle always uses (and presumably keeps filled) for the baby’s formula. The father had emptied out the water and put vodka in it. If I put a bottle of water in the fridge, it is not unreasonable of me to expect that when I get it out again, it will still have

We did this in college, because you weren’t allowed to have alcohol on campus, even if you were over 21. So my 21-year-old roommate would buy vodka, put it in another bottle (it wasn’t usually a water bottle, because bottled water was less of a thing back then; it was usually a Sprite bottle), and stick it in the

Between my wife and myself, we invited exactly one of our CURRENT coworkers to our wedding. And that was just because my wife worked with my FIL’s best-friend-since-toddlerhood’s wife, and they got invited based on the husband’s connection to the family.

I just couldn’t bring myself to give someone a gift that had big holes at the neckline because I picked up my stitches weirdly. And if I did, I really wouldn’t want to tell people I’d spent eight months on it and still didn’t bother to weave my ends in properly.

But, you know, the intarsia seems to be done pretty well.

I can knit. There are some problems with construction which surprise me because that color work is NOT EASY. (I’m impressed with the color work. Not with the ends sticking out or the holes at the neck. I’m actually confused, because those are problems I can avoid, so I’d think someone who can do decent intarsia

I have done this a lot; I would rather go to a barber shop than Supercuts/Great Clips/whatever, because I’d rather support a small local business than a chain. It’s usually fine. I have a crew cut, and going to an actual salon is usually horrible, because I always wind up spending half the time arguing that yes, I

Because I want a simple, short haircut in a place that doesn’t smell like ten million hair-care products.

I always said (I’ve been having this argument for literally decades now) that I’d be behind that IF the government got out of the marriage business altogether. Like, the ONLY thing anyone could get via the government was a civil union/domestic partnership that brought all the rights/privileges/responsibility that

No. Jenner is a rich white woman. I think she’s a terrible person, but she is a woman.