Yeah, that’s the thing. Even if these bacteria take care of all the smell from sweat, etc., sometimes you get actual dirt on you.
Yeah, that’s the thing. Even if these bacteria take care of all the smell from sweat, etc., sometimes you get actual dirt on you.
Yeah, if this was some shit he pulled on a summer job when he was 16, then his whole, “That does not reflect the kind of person I am” schtick would make sense to me. But this was three years ago.
But this guy didn’t pee in a sink. He peed in a coffee cup (belonging to the owners of the home he was working in), then poured the pee down the sink, gave the cup a quick rinse with water, and then put it back where he found it.
If he’d peed in the sink, I would have thought he was kind of an idiot. (He was working…
My wife LOVES Dr Pimple Popper. Me, I am less enthusiastic. (I watch them sometimes, but we have had to have a discussion about not showing me cyst extraction videos WHILE I AM EATING, THANK YOU.)
Okay, but does that mean they can’t get parasites?
I originally interpreted the melted butter as some kind of soup. Which made it soup, cheese, olives (at least, some of the dark oval things look like olives to me, though the rest look like coffee beans) and coffee beans. And whatever those little orangey-brown things are at the center front of the plate, between a…
I am so glad it’s not just me. Every time I have read the word “un-rapeable,” my brain has supplied, “They alive, dammit!”
The dog has an owner, and the owner is the person who notified the police.
When MrsPye and I were living in the US, we did have someone come up to us and tell us we were in America and should speak English. (MrsPye is French Canadian. She speaks French to me a lot of the time because I need the practice. ) This was in a city, by the way, not the small rednecky town we were living in, where…
I do not live in Ohio. I do not currently live in a racist, insular community, but I have spent most of my life living in them—rural small towns in the Midwest and the South. I am also going to be raising my child, if we are fortunate enough to have one, in a small ( < 5000 people), rural, Midwestern town that is 96%…
“Probably because they had to for medical reasons”? That proves you haven’t read anything at all about this case and don’t know what you’re talking about.
And no internet access, because there are a hell of a lot of blogs and YouTube videos on just that subject.
You frame it is, “this is how we know we did not get the donor sperm we contracted for,” and then focus on the negligence of the sperm bank, not on the hardship having a multiracial child has caused you.
I didn’t say the Kardashians were awesome, just that the Duggars were definitely worse.
MrsPye hates to use the phone. I also hate it, so we would take turns. EXCEPT that my “what if my French isn’t good enough?” anxiety meets with the “using the phone” anxiety, and then combines with the stress because I really am bad at understanding French over the phone (in person, it’s fine) and then she has to take…
The original reports I saw about this case were all about the kid’s race, too. The mothers were saying that they lived in a very white community and didn’t want a multiracial kid because they were afraid of how the kid would be treated by the community. So no, it’s not all about, “We chose the donor very carefully and…
You know, it’s possible that MrsPye and I will end up with a multiracial child. (We’re not at the “select a donor” stage yet, just the “let’s find out how fertile MrsPye is” stage.) We probably won’t, because we kind of want a donor with similar coloring/ethnic background as my family (since the kid won’t be…
All the arguments I saw quoted from the couple at the time were about being afraid that the mostly-white community they live in would be mean to the kid because of her race. And in fact, the suit specifically mentions the stress and pain of raising a mixed-race child.
They did give the couple a full refund.
Yes. I mean, fuck this sperm bank, I wouldn’t use them (because if they’re letting you choose your donor, you should get the donor your chose). But fuck these people even harder for being this upset that their child isn’t white.