Guy on the right is a cow cat, not a tuxedo.
Guy on the right is a cow cat, not a tuxedo.
I have two tuxedo cats : one casual (grey and white) one formal (black and white). Why would anyone want to dump such dapper cats?!
Clearly this is just a case of cat-Pygmalion. Take regular cats, dress them up in tuxedos, and then debut them to society.
Always appropriately dressed for any event..and way better than people.
Hey, there's no need to be so fucking classist. These aren't "tuxedo cats"; they're just dressed reasonably: it's after five, and they're not farmers.
This would normally be where I share a lot of pictures of my tuxedo cats and talk about how they are the best cats.
wow i really always come in with top notch input. i am an invaluable member of the jez commentariat. this place would fly into chaos without my organized and thought-provoking comments.
They announced this a little while ago and it does seem like Ms. Wolters characterizes her relationship with Ms. Kerman, a bit differently (as in, not as serious) but I guess that's to be expected on two sides of an unusual and complicated relationship.
Maybe I'm just a little on edge about this shit lately, but it seems kind of telling to me that if you get involved in the American Prison Industrial Complex and you're white, you get a million dollar publishing deal at the end of it. As opposed to if you're black, in which case you get dead.
Thank you. I...I guess I will come out and be openly gay now. Just like I've been since I was 17. I wouldn't have ever had the courage to do this without you and hope that we can continue to be friends.
No, dude! I am as straight as they come!
I'm giggling so fucking much right now...and you have no idea why...
I will probably be too exhausted from all the sex!
Actually, my partner is so pleased with the fact that I am sensitive and secure enough to write for Jezebel on the daily (about only the most important topics and never weird sex trends and puppies) that all we do is have sex and eat lunchables. And then I get paid for this!
You know, almost half the human population goes around having sex all the time without a penis attached to them. Crazy, isn't it?!
this was too much for me i am too high for this
Cartoon naked men, who aren't engaged in anything resembling a sex act is now "porn"? On what planet?!
I think seeing Gaston with a baby dick cut this guy pretty deep, which is ironic considering.
Are you really saying jokey pictures of naked cartoon characters (in an article you have to choose to click on, with a NSWF warning) are in any way comparable to rape and gore gifs of actual people sent to people without warning?