
I cannot be having with the phrase "female man cave." First of all, we already have a word for a place where you store the things you wear: it's a closet. Even if she spends her days drinking bellinis and staring at her stuff with rapturous devotion, it is still a closet. Secondly, "man cave" is a stupid phrase and

You forgot zucchini fries. There is something sublime about fried zucchini.


If this is true, I will die of happiness.

I don't have a problem if people need a day off here and there to maintain their sanity. It works out better for everyone to have a happy, rested crew. Just say so and let me try to help, but if you lie and make a huge production out of it and I catch you, you're done. I'll either fire you or constructively dismiss

The Lyin', the Witch, and the Wardrobe

I'm sure you're already aware that you're very fortunate in this regard. It amazes me how inflexible some employers can be. I went to work for a startup in 2008, when my daughter was entering preschool. I put in the long/crazy hours for 2 years, climbed the ladder, and by the time the company was on stable footing, I

For fucks sake, if you need a day off that bad, schedule one off or tell me and we'll make it work...

I actually find this more offensive than the issue of pay equity. When you see your male coworkers traipsing in and out of the office at all times of day, it's galling. Maybe I want to take a long lunch or "run errands." Man, fuck that shit. Fuck that shit right in the ear.

"Ugh, babies/children just ruin it for everyone!"

And prescription medicines are heavily subsidized anyways.

The romantic wine thief reminds me of toddler afemininemistake. My dad is a trauma surgeon and was a resident when I was little so he was never home. I called 911 not once, but three times just knowing that I could talk to daddy because you call 911 for sick people and daddy fixes sick people. Such reason. Wow.

Seeing the Downton cast in real clothes makes me feel like when Janis Ian says, "I love seeing teachers outside school, it's like seeing a dog walk on its hind legs."

"Women may therefore look at their monogamous relationships and consider themselves sexually deprived in comparison to what they see occurring in today's sexualized culture."

I just want to be clear on the selection bias. They're using ONLY data from people that cheat to say monogamy is a failure FOR EVERYONE. Isn't that a bit like using interviews with atheists to "prove" about how organized religion is a massive failure? I'm not defending either institution, but using those who have

A little bit of butter and salt brings out the whole spectrum of flavours in steamed/cooked vegetables. You shouldn't drown them in it though, moderation is key.

Pink can also, maybe even more commonly, be caused by bacteria. It's why kids get it so often (i.e. Bad handwashing practices).

yeah, I've been fortunate enough to never observe/feel herpes sores on the genitals, but i basically feel like i've had herpes since i was 4?

Unless it's bacterial conjunctivitis/pinkeye, then it's closely related to Chlamydia!

Cold sores, genital herpes, pinkeye, and mono are all caused by herpes viruses, and chickenpox/shingles are very very closely related to herpes. So…yeah.