
No, apparently the purpose was so you could feel superior to everyone on this website so it should make you feel happy. Internet hugs for being a self righteous bitch!

Early education *shudders*

The fashion advice here is as vague and useless as is the fashion advice for today. I sit here in my black wife-beater t-shirt, teal jog bra, gray and neon yellow capri running tights and neon yellow leg warmers, and feel perfectly fashionable for most grocery store occassions. :-)

Another suggestion for diminishing the discomforts of summer:

There are also times when I just want to be agreed with. #genderbendinginthehizzy

I have a theory that racists are just not very smart and not very talented people who are upset that they can't be successful just by being white anymore. They convince themselves that the reason they can't get scholarships for college or get a good job is just because everything is handed to undeserving minorities,

In Spain, I once saw a graffitied wall full of swastikas and shit, and in the middle it said "Hi Hitler." Cracked me up.

"I think the Fuhrer would really like this cake," needs to be a catch phrase.
When someone does something to look cool and accidentally looks pathetic/hilarious, this will be what I say.

In college once, we had to watch this documentary about neo-Nazis and it was Very Serious Stuff about how Racism Still Exists, and I could not stop laughing when they threw a birthday party (read: depressing kegger) for Hitler.

a friend of mine is related to the mom... Friend says the mom is crazy and probably planted the xanax.

I am calling bullshit! No one in their right mind would just give away xanax. No, no, NO sir!

Dude, that shit is precious. I would not let some goddamn kid have one of my magic pills.

Right after I had my daughter via c-section, I dropped a Vicodin way underneath the bed and flipped out. THE BABY MIGHT GET IT! My husband said, "Uhhh, she's a newborn. She can't even find her own foot." Two years later I was cleaning under there and found it and danced around the room as if I had found $100 bill.

Horrible for the kid. But as an adult Easter Egg Hunt I'd be all for it.

This is a terrible mistake but I can so easily see how this could happen. You're all stressed out because you promised to finish filling 200 stupid eggs and you have a million other things to do so you grab your Xanax, you spill it, you thought you cleaned them all up but you missed one. Damn.

This is a bad thing? *Removes vicodin from husband's easter basket*

Naturally I wouldn't want my 5-year-old coming home with a Xanax Easter egg, but ahh, how can I get myself on the guest list for this hunt next year? Cadbury eggs, jelly beans and a Xanax sound like a really great way to spend Easter Sunday...

It's an Easter miracle!