
Willing to go halfsies? I’ll supply the drab dresses and you can bring the port. We can take turns being moody and tortured!

How Can The Clean Water Be Real If Our Eyes Aren’t Real?

Using a lawsuit to accuse someone of cheating on you with a(nother) celebrity sounds exactly like something an innocent man just trying to clear his name would do...

Shopping at Marshall’s and TJ Maxx gives me so much anxiety. I can’t comb the racks for deals like other people. It’s too overwhelming. The only thing I will go to an actual TJ Maxx store for is cat mugs. They have the best selection of cat mugs.

I’m getting the impression that Meadows and Jordan believe if they just yell loud enough it’ll somehow make them the majority party again.

actually as an american immigrant to france, i do this sometimes when it is useful and i let people’s prejudice fool themselves. but sometimes i pretend to not know english when i see american tourists, i just do not want to get involved when i see them floundering. not to be mean, i just do not want to speak english

I always lie about my profession to strangers. I’m actually a scientific advisor to policy makers in an extremely politically charged environmental issue, so EVERYONE has an opinion about my work and I generally don’t want to get it into it (especially with people I’m never going to see again, like on a plane). I like

Going to go eat breakfast before work so that time doesn’t slow down and make my day feel even longer than it already is. Thank for the hot tip, digital bros.

Now playing

For anyone who hasn’t seen it: three minutes of people not noticing total substitutions:

My husband once told me (sheepishly) that he had a crush on Emma Thompson. I told him not to be embarrassed because she is amazing! 

Why the hell is it a federal holiday to begin with? How many other ethnic groups get to celebrate their heritage by shutting down the entire federal government for a day. I find relabeling it “indigenous peoples day” equally insulting.

On one hand, getting rid of Columbus day would fire up Italian-American opposition to her.  On the other hand, places with a “Little Italy” are die-hard blue states

As a Bernie supporter that voted for him in the primaries in 2016:

I was wondering the same thing. Also, when I was looking through stock images, Miranda Kerr was always standing on his right side, so I could never get a look at her ring. Obviously, you can expect a full 3,000 words on this conspiracy from me by Monday.

I need more information on how a black woman ends up like this.

I like Octavia Spencer so much I was rooting for Ma in all those scenes.  Seems like a wild ride.

exactly, that’s why I bought those. And when I told people that I used OB, they were like, EWW no applicator? and I’m like, dude, if you can’t stick a finger in there to push a tampon in, you have problems. I’d rather put my finger in there than one of those scratchy plastic applicators.

Knowing the fashion industry, it’s honestly not all that surprising. It’s peopled predominantly by white women and gay white men, including a whole mess of Europeans who just don’t “get” the American sensitivity to race issues. Those who might have recognized a blackface element might’ve regarded it as a purposeful, ed

qq just wondering why it is that so many people are struggling with blackface? i, a white person, have gone for the entirety of my 33 years without ever donning blackface, or hanging out with people in blackface, or designing a clothing item that looks like blackface. tbh i’ve done it without even trying. the trick is

Most don’t.