
So where does that leave us? How do we connect an unintentional corporate satire, a slice of naïve camp, a technically disastrous piece of shit, and an illogically fun superhero movie? With a web, of course—one that can connect them all.

What the fuck even is this article? Nobody gets an air fryer because it’s magic.

I’m glad you enjoyed those three years. Even happier that you’re still here.

The last time that happened was 1984.

Listen, some people have a long way to go and a short time to get there.

The song isn’t called “Mo’ Money, Less Problems”

Singesting that she do something for a scene, then hiring someone else to do it when she declined?

Look at that hangdog expression. Let’s get him a present!

The Point Break remake was utter shit.

One Swayze smile had more charisma than Jakes entire career. This had no chance, just like the Point Break redo. 

If you were concerned about mediocrity, you wouldn’t be at McDonalds...

Whopper is the best IF it is made well. It is the burger with the most potential but rarely meats (get it) that potential.

This argument would have more weight with examples.

Even Adam Baldwin and he isn’t even related to them 

Pretty pathetic that she thinks this was the gayest thing she could think of for the cover. A much more powerful and compelling image would be something like kissing her partner, them doing noses, or even just holding hands and smiling.

good point.

What? He doesn't strike me as a guy who takes himself too seriously.

If you were really lucky,  you might find a box full of water damaged porn mags in the forest or near the train tracks.  If you did say a prayer to Johnny Porno-seed, the magical hobo who travels the world leaving water damaged porn for preteen boys to find. 

Jennifer Love Hewitt’s boobs have entered the chat

true.  also, she does a nude scene in that amazon flick about the voyeurs so you don’t really need to look far.